Dear John:

graphic with seven short quotes of love and support from PFLAG followers and members.

Just moments ago our legal team won a critical victory for PFLAG families with transgender youth and young adults. A federal district court issued a temporary nationwide restraining order from the bench, blocking enforcement of the Trump administration executive order attempting to shut down access to gender-affirming medical care for transgender people under 19, prohibiting federal agencies from conditioning or withholding federal funding based on the fact that a healthcare entity or health professional provides that care.

This was an important win—but this was just the first round. Can we count on your support to continue the fight?

We knew that serving as a plaintiff in a high-profile case like PFLAG v. Trump wouldn’t be easy, but when we tell PFLAG families and their trans kids that we have their backs? We mean it. We also knew it was absolutely the right thing to do. 

The hundreds of beautiful and affirming messages we’ve received—like the ones above—make it clear that you know it’s the right thing to do, too. 

PFLAGers are going above and beyond, raising over $60,000 to support our families. Can you help us surpass our $100,000 goal before the weekend?

Parents should never be in the frightening position of having their child’s prescribed, medically necessary care canceled at the whim and threat of a politician. But that’s exactly what President Trump’s executive order did to PFLAG families with trans youth and young adults nationwide. Today’s decision rights a grievous wrong, positively impacting transgender young people and the good and decent parents across the country who just want the best outcomes for their transgender children.

Be assured: With your support we will continue this work to ensure that our trans loved ones receive the healthcare they need—as this legal ruling demands.

Thank you for rushing your gift today. 

Onward together,

Brian K. Bond (he/him)
CEO, PFLAG National 

P.S. If you can’t donate to PFLAG National today, you can help by spreading the word about the case! Learn more and share from

PFLAG National
(202) 467-8180 | [email protected]

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