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This May issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to Covid-19. There is guidance from agencies such as the HSE, EMCDDA, SSA, UNODC,
WHO, UNAIDS, INPUD and many others who support vulnerable groups. These resources may also be found
on our website in our Covid-19 collection [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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] [
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] Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2020) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 73, Spring 2020, 28p. Dublin: Health Research
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Retention of patients in opioid substitution treatment: a systematic review.
O'Connor, Aisling Máire and Cousins, Gráinne and Durand, Louise and Barry, Joe and Boland, Fiona
(2020) Retention of patients in opioid substitution treatment: a systematic review. PLoS ONE , 15 ,
(5) , e0232086.
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An evidence review of recidivism and policy responses.
O'Donnell, Ian (2020) An evidence review of recidivism and policy responses. Dublin: Department of
Justice and Equality.
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Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in
School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. International report.
Inchley, Jo et al. (2020) Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. International report.
Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2018.
Prison visiting committees. (2020) Prison visiting committee annual reports 2018. Dublin: Department
of Justice and Equality.
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The changing nature of the benzodiazepine market.: new combinations emerging in Ireland.
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2020) The changing nature of the benzodiazepine market: new
combinations emerging in Ireland. drugs.ie Feature .
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European trendspotter series. Impact of COVID-19 on drug services and help-seeking in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) European trendspotter series. Impact
of COVID-19 on drug services and help-seeking in Europe. Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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EU drug markets: impact of COVID-19.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2020) EU drug markets: impact of
COVID-19. Luxembourg: Office of the European Union. 31 p.
read more >
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Addiction Psychiatry and COVID-19 - Impact on patients and service provision.
Columb, David and Hussain, Rehan and O'Gara, Colin (2020) Addiction Psychiatry and COVID-19 - Impact
on patients and service provision. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early online , pp.
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Social impact of COVID-19 survey April 2020.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Social impact of COVID-19 survey April 2020. Cork: CSO.
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How recovery coaches are managing lockdown through the Covid crisis.
North Inner City Drugs Task Force, Recovery Academy Ireland. (2020) How recovery coaches are
managing lockdown through the Covid crisis. Dublin: North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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How are young people participating in Garda Youth Diversion Projects responding to the Covid-19
public health measures? – A local to national qualitative profile: report 1.
Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice project, University of Limerick. (2020) How
are young people participating in Garda Youth Diversion Projects responding to the Covid-19 public
health measures? – A local to national qualitative profile: report 1. Department of Justice and
Equality and Department of Children.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for homeless and other vulnerable group settings.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Health Service Executive. (2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19)
guidance for homeless and other vulnerable group settings. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance
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Overdose awareness and coronavirus (COVID-19).
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2020) Overdose awareness and coronavirus (COVID-19). Dublin:
Health Service Executive.
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Needle exchange provision in COVID-19 pandemic.
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2020) Needle exchange provision in COVID-19 pandemic. Dublin:
Health Service Executive.
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Methadone take home information.
HSE National Drug Treatment Centre Pharmacy Department. (2020) Methadone take home information.
Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Guidance for prescribers and pharmacists on legislation changes to facilitate the safe supply of
medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PSI-The Pharmacy Regulator, Medical Council, Health Service Executive. (2020) Guidance for
prescribers and pharmacists on legislation changes to facilitate the safe supply of medicines during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Ways of working: guidance for addiction services on remote consultations.
Smyth, Bobby P and Jones, Martin (2020) Ways of working: guidance for addiction services on remote
consultations. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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COVID 19 Pharmacy SOP for clients in isolation.
HSE National Drug Treatment Centre Pharmacy Department. Egan, Mary and Martin, Ellen (2020) COVID 19
Pharmacy SOP for clients in isolation. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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COVID 19 interim clinical guidance for medicines management for isolation units for people who use
Harnedy, Norma (2020) COVID 19 interim clinical guidance for medicines management for isolation
units for people who use drugs. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Example SOP for emergency induction of OST during COVID crisis.
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2020) Example SOP for emergency induction of OST during COVID
crisis. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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HIV and COVID-19 (coronavirus): Information for people living with HIV.
HIV Ireland. HIV and COVID-19 (coronavirus): Information for people living with HIV. Dublin: HIV
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Programmatic interventions for children, young people and their parents.
Kennedy, Fiachra (2019) Programmatic interventions for children, young people and their parents.
Dublin: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
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Family services supporting children and their families.
Kennedy, Fiachra (2019) Family services supporting children and their families. Dublin: Department
of Public Expenditure and Reform.
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Prenatal alcohol exposure and risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in offspring: a
retrospective analysis of the millennium cohort study.
Mitchell, JM and Jeffri, FJ and Maher, GM and Khashan, AS and McCarthy, FP (2020) Prenatal alcohol
exposure and risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in offspring: a retrospective analysis
of the millennium cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders , 269 , pp. 94-100.
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Evaluation of a Traveller mental health liaison nurse: service user perspectives.
Keogh, Brian and Brady, Anne Marie and Downes, Carmel and Doyle, Louise and Higgins, Agnes and
McCann, Thomas (2020) Evaluation of a Traveller mental health liaison nurse: service user
perspectives. Issues in Mental Health Nursing , Early online , pp. 1-8.
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Focus on homelessness.
O'Sullivan, Eoin and Reidy, Aisling and Allen, Mike (2020) Focus on homelessness. Dublin: Focus
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Planet youth strategy & implementation framework: Galway, Mayo & Roscommon.
Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2020) Planet youth strategy & implementation framework:
Galway, Mayo & Roscommon. Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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Psychological distress, alexithymia and alcohol misuse in patients with psoriasis: a cross-sectional
Founta, Ourania and Adamzik, Karoline and Tobin, Anne-Marie and Kirby, Brian and Hevey, David (2019)
Psychological distress, alexithymia and alcohol misuse in patients with psoriasis: a cross-sectional
study. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 26 , (2) , pp. 200-219.
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Falling through the cracks: the case for change. Key developments and next steps for adult
safeguarding in Ireland.
Donnelly, Sarah and O’Brien, Marita (2019) Falling through the cracks: the case for change. Key
developments and next steps for adult safeguarding in Ireland. Dublin: University College Dublin.
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Distinguishing between contact and administration of heroin from a single fingerprint using high
resolution mass spectrometry.
Costa, Catia and Ismail, Mahado and Stevenson, Derek and Gibson, Brian and Webb, Roger and Bailey,
Melanie (2020) Distinguishing between contact and administration of heroin from a single fingerprint
using high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Toxicology , 44 , (3) , pp. 218-225.
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Evidence Resources
How is the COVID-19 pandemic changing our use of illegal drugs? An overview of ongoing research.
Lawn, Will and Skumlien, Martine [SSA] . (2020) How is the COVID-19 pandemic changing our use of
illegal drugs? An overview of ongoing research. London: Society for the Study of Addiction. SSA
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COVID-19 and drugs: drug supply via darknet markets.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) COVID-19 and drugs: drug supply via
darknet markets. Lisbon: EMCDDA. 22 p.
read more
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Association of the Covid-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking, and attempts to quit in England: an
analysis of 2019-2020 data.
Jackson, Sarah E and Garnett, Claire and Shahab, Lion and Oldham, Melissa and Brown, Jamie . (2020)
Association of the Covid-19 lockdown with smoking, drinking, and attempts to quit in England: an
analysis of 2019-2020 data. medRXiv doi: [link removed]
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Innovative strategies to support physical distancing among individuals with active addiction.
Bach, Paxton and Robinson, Samantha and Sutherland, Christy and Brar, Rupinder . (2020) Innovative
strategies to support physical distancing among individuals with active addiction. Elsevier. The
Lancet. Psychiatry DOI:[link removed](20)30231-5
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Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. [UNODC] (2020) Suggestions about treatment, care and
rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vienna:
UNODC. 5 p.
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Public health messaging and harm reduction in the time of COVID-19.
Karamouzian, Mohammad and Johnson, Cheyenne and Kerr, Thomas. (2020) Public health messaging and
harm reduction in the time of COVID-19. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 7 (5) 390-91. DOI:
[link removed](20)30144-9
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Best practices for telehealth during COVID-19 public health emergency.
Richardson, Jeff and Ingoglia, Charles . (2020) Best practices for telehealth during COVID-19 public
health emergency. Washington: National Council for Behavioral Health. 4 p.
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Rapid review on coronavirus/COVID-19: policies, actions and resources related to drug and alcohol
addiction across IIMHL and IIDL countries
Appleton, Steve, ed. Peters, Janet. (2020) Rapid review on coronavirus/COVID-19: policies, actions
and resources related to drug and alcohol addiction across IIMHL and IIDL countries. New Zealand:
International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership. 28 p.
read more
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Using mobile telephones to deliver Contingency Management interventions.
Getty, Carol Anne [SSA] . (2020) Using mobile telephones to deliver Contingency Management
interventions. London: Society for the Study of Addiction. SSA Feature
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Evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing in Scotland: Observational study of small
Stead, Martine et al. (2020) Evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing in Scotland:
Observational study of small retailers. 340 p.
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Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: Update from the EMCDDA expert network, 2020.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Drug-related infectious diseases in
Europe: Update from the EMCDDA expert network, 2020. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
Union. 27 p.
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Minimum unit pricing in Scotland: what we know so far about its effects on consumption and health
Institute of Alcohol Studies. [IAS] (2020) Minimum unit pricing in Scotland: what we know so far
about its effects on consumption and health harms. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies. 20 p.
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Inequalities in victimisation: alcohol, violence, and anti-social behaviour.
Institute of Alcohol Studies. Bryant, Lucy [IAS] . (2020) Inequalities in victimisation: alcohol,
violence, and anti-social behaviour. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies. 44 p.
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An alcohol ad every 35 seconds. A snapshot of how the alcohol industry is using a global pandemic as
a marketing opportunity.
Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education, Cancer Council WA. (2020) An alcohol ad every 35
seconds. A snapshot of how the alcohol industry is using a global pandemic as a marketing
opportunity. ACT, Australia: FARE. 12 p.
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Alcohol, smoking, and other substance use in the perinatal period.
Wilson, Claire A and Finch, Emily and Kerr, Catherine and Shakespeare, Judy [BMJ] . (2020) Alcohol,
smoking, and other substance use in the perinatal period. BMJ, 369 (m1627) doi:
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Clearing the smoke on cannabis: edible cannabis products, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. [CCSA] (2020) Clearing the smoke on cannabis: edible
cannabis products, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and
Addiction. 16 p.
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Heated tobacco products: a brief.
Peruga, Armando [WHO] . (2020) Heated tobacco products: a brief. Copenhagan: WHO Regional Office for
Europe. 16 p.
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Electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems: a brief.
Peruga, Armando [WHO] . (2020) Electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems: a brief.
Copenhagan: WHO Regional Office for Europe. 20 p.
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Transition of substance-induced, brief, and atypical psychoses to schizophrenia: a systematic review
and meta-analysis.
Murrie, Benjamin and Lappin, Julia and Large, Matthew and Sara, Grant . (2020) Transition of
substance-induced, brief, and atypical psychoses to schizophrenia: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46 (3) 505-16. [link removed]
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Do AKT1, COMT and FAAH influence reports of acute cannabis intoxication experiences in patients with
first episode psychosis, controls and young adult cannabis users?
Hindocha, Chandni et al. (2020) Do AKT1, COMT and FAAH influence reports of acute cannabis
intoxication experiences in patients with first episode psychosis, controls and young adult cannabis
users? Translational psychiatry, 10 (1) 143. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-0823-9
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Short- and longer-term benefits of temporary alcohol abstinence during 'dry january' are not also
observed among adult drinkers in the general population: prospective cohort study.
de Visser, Richard O and Piper, Richard . (2020) Short- and longer-term benefits of temporary
alcohol abstinence during 'dry january' are not also observed among adult drinkers in the general
population: prospective cohort study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Early online
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Estimating the prevalence of problem drug use from drug-related mortality data.
Jones, Hayley E et al. (2020) Estimating the prevalence of problem drug use from drug-related
mortality data. Addiction, Early online DOI: 10.1111/add.15111
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Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region: current situation in 17 MedNET
Pompidou Group. (2020) Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region: current
situation in 17 MedNET countries. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 60 p.
read more
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Minister calls for EU to act against tobacco firms ‘undermining’ menthol ban.
[Irish Times] Paul, Mark [
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] (30 May 2020)
read more >
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Cannabis users turn to darkweb as Covid-19 lockdown hits supply lines.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor [
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] (29 May 2020)
read more >
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Calls for online alcohol sales to be regulated amid reported increase of drinking.
[Irish Examiner] (29 May 2020)
read more >
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Any financial support to national sporting bodies must come with a commitment to ending alcohol
sponsorship of sport.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (27 May 2020)
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Committees find addiction, mental health, overcrowding and homelessness concerns at prisons.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (26 May 2020)
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Coronavirus Ireland: Prescription drug abuse set to soar during lockdown.
[Dublinlive] McMenamy, Emma (24 May 2020)
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Covid restrictions make the argument not to bring in minimum alcohol pricing 'even more tenuous'.
[thejournal.ie] Murray, Sean (23 May 2020)
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'Lack of clarity' in liquor licensing laws allows pubs to deliver pints amid pandemic.
[Irish Examiner] (23 May 2020)
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We have to talk about the trauma to our children.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (22 May 2020)
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Sale of menthol cigarettes banned in Ireland from today.
[thejournal.ie] Thomas, Conal (20 May 2020)
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Ireland's homeless: 'The lost souls of the pandemic'.
[RTE News] Conneely, Ailbhe (20 May 2020)
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€500m worth of drugs seized during pandemic.
[RTE News] (18 May 2020)
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Covid-19 exacerbates problems of alcoholics and their families, says support group.
[Irish Examiner] Ring, Evelyn (18 May 2020)
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Drug dealers calling in €30k drug debts from Cork families.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (15 May 2020)
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WHO statement: Tobacco use and COVID-19.
[World Health Organization] (14 May 2020)
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Minister for Health highlights advice and supports for people with alcohol related problems during
[Department of Health] (14 May 2020)
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AAI | MHI – call for investment in trauma-informed services to support COVID-19 recovery.
Mental Health Ireland, Alcohol Action Ireland.(13 May 2020)
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UNODC, WHO, UNAIDS and OHCHR joint statement on COVID-19 in prisons and other closed settings*.
UNODC (13 May 2020)
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Outdoor areas in bars should be non-smoking during social distancing, doctors say.
[Irish Examiner] 12 May 2020)
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Covid crisis leads to plummeting numbers seeking drug addiction treatment.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (12 May 2020)
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Fianna Fáil vows to tackle scourge of online gambling addiction.
[Irish Examiner] Woulfe, Jimmy (11 May 2020)
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West Corks cocaine wars (part 1)
[Southern Star] O'Mahony, Kieran (11 May 2020)
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CSO reveal around 20% of adults have increased alcohol intake during Covid-19 crisis.
[Irish Examiner] Hoare, Padraig (09 May 2020)
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Submission to EU ‘beating cancer plan’ consultation, highlights the need for cancer warning on all
alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (08 May 2020)
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Why Irish problem gamblers need a regulator.
[rte.ie] Long, Bernard (08 May 2020)
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Warning as virus crisis sees increase in middle-aged falling into alcoholism.
[Irish Examiner] Woulfe, Jimmy (05 May 2020)
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Midlands awareness group concerned by impact of virus on the drug industry.
[Midlands 103] (05 May 2020)
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - latest information and statistics from Ireland.
[Government of Ireland] (04 May 2020)
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Has Covid-19 changed your relationship with alcohol or drugs? Global Drugs Survey launches special
[thejournal.ie] (04 May 2020)
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The Green Party calls for drug decriminalisation in Ireland.
[Hot Press] Clark, Stuart (04 May 2020)
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Podcast. Confronting coronavirus: Homeless in a pandemic - "They're more vulnerable and less able to
avoid it".
[Irish Times] (02 May 2020)
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Ignorance and amateurism no defence in doping battle.
[RTE] O'Rourke, Aidan (02 May 2020)
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Public warned about dangers of buying drugs online as 300 tablets seized in Cork.
[Irish Times] Roche, Barry (01 May 2020)
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Minister Stanton publishes draft youth justice strategy for consultation.
[Department of Justice and Equality] (01 May 2020)
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Advisory notice by HSE Social Inclusion to addiction services in Ireland.
HSE Social Inclusion. Keenan, Eamon (01 May 2020)
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Interpol warns that Irish food delivery services are being used to transport drugs during Covid-19
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (30 Apr 2020)
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Hepatitis C care at the National Drug Treatment Centre — almost 30 years on.
[Medical Independent] Keating, Shay (30 Apr 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Covid-19 (Health) - statements. [
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] (14 May 2020)
Covid-19 (Justice and Equality): statements. [
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] (13 May 2020)
Covid-19 (Transport): statements. [
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] (13 May 2020)
Covid-19 (Taoiseach): statements. [
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] (30 Apr 2020)
View all debates
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