Recommended Reading
Feb. 13, 2025
[adbusters 177]([link removed])
Let's forge a transcendental counterstrike so mighty, so relentless, so pure that it wipes might-is-right-populism off the face of the earth forever. Grab our born-again play jazz issue for $5 (shipping included). ([link]([link removed]))
This Week's Picks
Will you bend the knee, will you kiss the ring, or will you raise your finger in a global ritual of defiance? ([link]([link removed]))
Nihilism is bullshit. But what happens when the spirit of punk goes . . . Zen? ([link]([link removed]))
Protest-as-usual makes plenty of noise, but to strike a deeper chord, you must play a new melody. ([link]([link removed]))
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Let’s dance upon the razor’s edge of oblivion.
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