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Friday, February 14th, 2025
** Abolish US Citizenship ([link removed])
Ryan McMaken
** Lament of the Vaxx-Injured ([link removed])
Margaret Anna Alice
** Fed Policies Yield Very Bad Things ([link removed])
George F. Smith
** Ukraine – The Beginning Of The End (Which Is Yet Far Away) ([link removed])
Moon of Alabama
** Uncomfortable Martyrdoms ([link removed])
Casey Chalk
** In Valdai, Confronting the ‘American Problem’ in West Asia ([link removed])
Pepe Escobar
** Collapse of Our Food Security. ([link removed])
Madge Waggy
** Washington Drops Ukraine, Israel Backs Down on Hamas Demands ([link removed])
Caitlin Johnstone
** An Over-reaching Judiciary Needs a Reprimand ([link removed])
Paul Craig Roberts
** Help! The Establishment’s Fallen and Can’t Get Up! ([link removed])
J.B. Shurk
** The One True Test of AI Intelligence ([link removed])
Charles Hugh Smith
** 12 Facts About the Deindustrialization of America That Will Blow Your Mind ([link removed])
Michael Snyder
** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* Origins of the Surveillance State ([link removed])
* Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: First Exclusive Interview after Confirmation (2.13.25) ([link removed])
* The Beginning Of The End Of The War In Ukraine ([link removed])
* Is the US Headed for Breakup (in the Long Run)? ([link removed])
* Mitch McConnell’s Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. Vote ([link removed])
* USGOV Employees Freak Out When DOGE Comes Calling… ([link removed])
* What’s Trump’s Next Move on Ukraine? ([link removed])
* Medical Gaslighting: How a Medical Doctor Was Vaccine Injured AND THEN Prosecuted For Speaking Out About It ([link removed])
* How Would Ron Paul Audit The Fed? ([link removed])
* Mike Huckabee Condemns “The Massacre of Women and Children” on Fox News on Sunday ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Aging Members of Congress Refuse to Disclose Details of Their Top Secret Hospital ([link removed])
* Head of JFK assassination files task force: ‘I believe there were two shooters’ ([link removed])
* Historic turning point? ([link removed])
* Cartoon: White House Garbage Support ([link removed])
* Trump Is Bullying Jordan, Egypt Tp Help in Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza ([link removed])
* Rothschild’s Gaza Land Grab ([link removed])
* Farhad Noori, rejected asylum seeker in Germany, runs down 28 people at a trade union demonstration in Munich ([link removed])
* New “Task Force for the Declassification of Federal Secrets” Announced ([link removed])
* A Great Trumpet Falls Silent ([link removed])
* Interview of Russian Expert Dr. Gilbert Doctorow ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
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