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The Church of England has reinstated a Rwandan bishop who left his role as a parish priest in Worcestershire after he was accused of complicity in the 1994 genocide of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis.
Police fired tear gas canisters and flash grenades on Monday to clear out protesters so President Trump could visit St. John's Church and pose with a bible.
A top UN expert urged global governments on Monday to ban the "degrading" practise known as conversion therapy, which aims to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.
To locate Bala's alleged Facebook posts beyond the limits of religious freedom shows poor judgement and understanding of religious diversity and the constitutional provision on freedom of religion or belief, says Leo Igwe.
Dividing children by religion is inefficient and out of step with Scottish society - and giving religious groups control over schools undermines children's religious freedom, says experienced teacher Eric from Edinburgh.
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