We know there's a lot of challenging news coming out of D.C. — but today, we want to focus on a program that works and will continue to work with Congress’ support.
GLRI is an incredibly successful program that creates a system of coordination among federal agencies, state entities, and local partners to protect the Great Lakes.
Since its inception in 2010, the program has achieved strong results in wetlands restoration, beach protection, clean-ups of toxic waste sites, and invasive species management through thousands of projects administered by the U.S. EPA and other federal agency partners.
Every dollar invested in GLRI comes back three-fold in additional economic activity in the Great Lakes region.
It works, we love it, and want to keep it going!
Take a minute right now to contact your members of Congress and urge them to love GLRI and ensure it has the funding needed to make this program work.
Thank you, and here’s to jumping in the lake soon!