
Words cannot adequately express the anger and heartbreak I feel in the wake of George Floyd's tragic murder at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis. And now those sentiments are compounded by an anger at our president for fanning the flames of hate and inciting even more violence.

The facts of this case are plain to see and we as a nation should be united in our desire to stop this pattern of unarmed black men dying during encounters with law enforcement.

While I hope to see justice served, I know that it alone will not heal the deep wounds or fix the systemic problems that are the result of over 400 years of slavery, racism, and inequality on our soil.

Every day, black Americans are denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whether in our schools, our criminal justice system, our hospitals, or our economy -- institutionalized racism is there. George Floyd's murder is a visceral, clear as day reminder of just how far we still are from equity. We need real change.

We must start by holding people accountable -- in this case, not only for their actions, but for their inaction. The officer that stood by, and the two who held George Floyd down while he was murdered, must also be arrested and face their own severe consequences. Justice must be for all.

America is waking up. But none of this is a surprise to black Americans. This systemic terror has been taking place for centuries in our land.

We cannot afford to turn a blind eye any longer. We cannot let injustices like the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery continue to happen.

It is on each and every one of us to take action if we want to see change, and there are several ways that you can help. Please consider donating to the ACLU, which provides legal services and support to those whose civil rights have been violated. Please also consider contributing to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, which supports racial justice through advocacy, litigation, and education.

Let's continue to fight for change, now more than ever before.


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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