Dear Sisters and Brothers, First, we speak the names of Breonna Taylor George Floyd Ahmaud Arbery Sean Reed Tony McDade Jameek Lowery And countless others known and unknown who were murdered at the hands of the police. We stand with you in rebellion! Our rebellion is not just against wanton police violence or the willingness of our so-called leaders to sacrifice our lives to COVID-19, but against a system of White supremacy that devalues, kills and brutalizes Black lives. We’ve had enough of making moral pleas for change and trading silence for safety. Faith in Action stands with Black and Brown youth who are done trying to reform or fix the Minneapolis Police Department and other police states across the country. We must abolish racist policing that profits from controlling and criminalizing Black, Nations peoples and Brown bodies, and invest in the street workers, jobs, income, housing and health care that bring true safety and peace to communities. Our friends in Minnesota are telling us that right wing extremist and anti-state groups are using the cover of protests to sow conflict and fear by burning down small businesses and community institutions, including Black barber shops, grocery stores, and post offices. This is a sinister manipulation of Black pain and rage. We’re sharing guidance from ISAIAH about the threat. We want you to be vigilant about groups trying to hijack our protests, and manipulate social media to distort our agenda. To be clear, this is happening in your city too! Make no mistake. Our rebellion is about building a just anti-racist society, not anarchy or chaos. God insists that we actively work to create and preserve institutions and systems that ensure justice, respect, and care for everyone - without exception. To that end I want to share with you A Manifesto For Rebellion!, which outlines clear demands that include the immediate resignation of Hennepin County District Attorney Mike Freeman and the conviction of ALL 4 cops involved in the death of George Floyd, and defunding the Minneapolis Police Department. In the tradition of the prophets in our Abrahamic traditions the Manifesto calls for the breaking down of strongholds and the abolition of oppressive systems that cast us into second-class status and endanger our lives. Please reflect on and share the manifesto. We have no intention to tell Black, Brown, Native, Asian or other people brutalized by this country how to feel or react to 400 years of traumatic oppression. We are challenging everyone in our network and movement, especially White people to show up fully in the struggle to end White supremacy because silence is not an option (Tuesday call for White leaders and clergy to dismantle racist policing and systems link). We are asking everyone to join us in this righteous rebellion! Stay tuned for further action steps. |