American is hurting. New York is hurting. We can’t wait; we must speak out forcefully against unconstitutional, racially targeted police brutality and take concrete legislative action to stop the madness.
For decades, marginalized communities have been speaking out against the injustices they experience. Far too often, not enough people have listened. This must change. No American should be made to feel like they are unsafe by the people who have sworn to protect us all.
We must open our minds and hearts to our fellow Americans, take in their stories and pain, stand with them, and demand systemic change.
This is why as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I will be leading hearings to investigate the murders of George Floyd, Armaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor.
Last year, I called the first hearing on police violence in the Judiciary Committee in decades with Eric Garner’s mother, co-sponsored legislation to stop the militarization of local police forces and end racial profiling, and more.
But, the forces of institutional racism have always stopped needed changes to address police violence.
We have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to keep fighting and not let progress continue to be blocked. I promise that I will continue to work with my friends in the Congressional Black Caucus until we take clear steps to pass legislation to dismantle structural racism.
In our country, people have the right to be treated equally under the law.
Racially targeted police brutality is an existential threat to the foundation of our criminal justice system, our democracy, and our core humanity. The cruelty and racism must stop.
In solidarity,
Jerry Nadler