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Dear ADL Leaders, Supporters and Activists,
As I reflect on the tragic murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, and the understandable expressions of anger and anguish across the country that have followed, I fear what is befalling our nation. And yet, I have the hope that together we have the resolve to speak truth to power, advancing our mission to fight hate in all its forms.
I cannot know the pain that the Black community has suffered because of police brutality, nor the daily struggle of people of color to overcome the challenges posed by a society whose foundations have perpetuated systems of inequitable justice, opportunity and prosperity.
But I know that right now, ADL’s mandate to secure justice and fair treatment to all demands that we not only speak out, but humbly listen. That we not only persist in educating against bias and hate, but pause to learn from those who have been the targets and victims of racism in our communities. It is incumbent upon us that we reach out in solidarity to support our communities of color who are directly impacted by systemic racism in our region and across the nation.
ADL calls for all four of the police officers involved in the killing of Mr. Floyd to be held responsible for their actions. We call upon the Hennepin County Attorney’s office to act immediately, without further delay, to bring the perpetrators to justice. We must mobilize and demand justice for George Floyd and also remember the names of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, and the immeasurable pain caused by the loss of so many other Black men and women murdered because of the color of their skin. We must commit to the enduring work of dismantling systems of racism, discrimination and oppression that undermine our democratic society.
The days, weeks and months ahead will undoubtedly present further challenges to our work, but we must ensure that this will be a moment of enduring change. We cannot allow this opportunity to pass. The work does not end with the arrest and prosecution of the officers. We will stand united as we work toward justice for all. We will commit to the hard work of confronting racism, bigotry, and bias in all aspects of our lives. This is why ADL exists: to fight for and alongside all communities striving for equity and justice.
Doron F. Ezickson
Vice President, Mid-Atlantic/Midwest Division
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