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Monty Python's Life of Brian, which was released 40 years ago, would have offended even more people if the original version of the script had been filmed.
The English Catholic Church continues to be unrepentant in its scathing criticism of the messengers who exposed sexual abuse in the archdiocese of Birmingham
in a BBC documentary 15 years ago. Now one of the original journalists has made public their side of the story behind the scenes.
Earlier this month a bus driver in Norwich was suspended for refusing to drive a bus that 'promotes homosexuality' by having its service number displayed in
rainbow colours. Now the chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre has defended him.
Poland must resist the "travelling theatre" of gay pride marches, the leader of its conservative ruling party has said, as the staunchly Roman Catholic
country gears up for a parliamentary election on 13 October.
A Google policy designed to rein in deceptive advertising by 'crisis pregnancy centres' has a loophole which allows the centres to keep posting misleading
ads in the US, UK and Ireland.
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