Maximum pressure or maximum failure — America's shrinking options on Iran

The Quincy Institute invites you to a Zoom webinar on U.S.-Iran tensions and America’s shrinking options on Iran.

In May 2018, President Trump left the Iran nuclear deal and adopted a policy called "maximum pressure" — sanctions on steroids — ostensibly to force Iran to renegotiate a new deal. The new policy also promised to roll back Iran’s influence in the region, secure the release of all American prisoners in Iran, and completely eliminate Iran’s enrichment activities.

Two years later, Iran has increased its nuclear enrichment, the U.S. and Iran have been minutes away from war on at least two occasions, and Iran’s influence in the region is — according to the Trump administration itself — more problematic than before.
June 2020

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Join us for a timely and important conversation with:

Jarrett Blanc

Jarrett Blanc is a senior fellow in the Geoeconomics and Strategy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was previously the deputy lead coordinator and State Department coordinator in the Obama administration responsible for effective implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program, including Iranian and U.S. commitments on sanctions.

Negar Mortazavi

Negar Mortazavi is an Iranian-American
journalist and media analyst for The Independent, BBC, and Aljazeera, based in Washington. She has been covering Iran, the greater Middle East, and US foreign policy towards the region for over a decade. She was named a Global Young Leader by Friends of Europe in 2017. The Guardian has named her one of the top 10 people to follow on twitter for Iran news. 

Barry Posen

Barry Posen is an award winning author and Professor of Political Science at MIT. He has written three books, Restraint-A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy, Inadvertent Escalation: Conventional War and Nuclear Risks and The Sources of Military Doctrine. He has been a fellow at many of the world's most distinguished foreign policy research institutions, including most recently at the John Sloan Dickey Center at Dartmouth College.

Trita Parsi (Moderator)

Trita Parsi is Quincy Institute's Executive Vice President. He received the 2010 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. He is an expert on U.S.-Iranian relations, Iranian foreign politics, and the geopolitics of the Middle East. He has authored three books on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, with a particular focus on Iran and Israel.



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