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Dear John,

On Friday morning, Fresh Energy released a statement about the killing of George Floyd. There are not enough words to express the emotions that we are feeling. As a leader among Minnesota’s civic institutions, Fresh Energy felt - and continues to feel - a responsibility to speak out, recognizing that it is not enough to be quietly non-racist. We must be vocally anti-racist. Fresh Energy stands in solidarity with the communities, organizations, and individuals demanding justice for the killing of George Floyd and we recognize that what is happening in Minnesota at this time flows directly from the deep and long-standing structural and institutional racism in our country, state, and cities. Read our full statement here
On Friday, Fresh Energy leadership extended an open and voluntary invitation for Fresh Energy staff to use Fresh Energy hours during the regular workweek to volunteer in their neighborhoods, which many have already done. We know the cleaning, community support, and rebuilding efforts will take as many hands as possible – and we are in it for the long haul. 
As a statewide organization, we’d also like to recognize the support coming from folks in all corners of the state: diapers from St. Cloud, groceries from Burnsville, and more. Together, we can change the systems, actions, and attitudes that have allowed injustice to continue.  

If you’d like to get involved, please first and foremost speak up against racism now and forever. It is all our responsibility to make sure this never happens again. If you’re not sure where to start, we suggest these resources on anti-racism. And second, check out this list, courtesy of the Star Tribune, providing ways to pitch in across the Twin Cities. 

In solidarity, 

Michael Noble and the Fresh Energy Team 
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