From our Executive Director

When I started interviewing to become CeaseFirePA’s executive director, I knew I was signing up to take on a public health crisis: gun violence. But, I couldn’t imagine taking the reins of Pennsylvania’s leading statewide gun violence prevention organization in the midst of a pandemic.  

The collision of these two public health crises is a perfect storm. Although crime is down, gun-related crimes are up as tempers flare and some actions go unchecked. Domestic violence victims are trapped in their homes with their abusers. And the economic fallout combined with the lack of human-connection has many worried about the mental health of children and adults alike. These dangers are magnified by the uptick in gun sales since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic.

I know how guns can rip families and communities apart. As a child, a neighbor and a schoolmate took their own lives using firearms. Last summer, I sat on my porch holding my 1-year old son, Elon, imagining the day I’d send him running across the street to play with other kids at the local park only to have the day-dreaming shattered by a gunshot. While luckily no one was hurt, kids and parents fled the park for safety. 

These all too frequent acts of gun violence in our communities have become punctuated by dreadful mass shootings. I do not want my son, or anyone, to live in a country that looks at this devastation and thinks it’s just part of the fabric of our society, especially when common-sense solutions are at hand. 

After more than a decade of organizing and advocacy in Pennsylvania, I know the difficulties facing us including the powerful NRA and recent gun-wielding protesters in the Capitol.  

But in the last few weeks, I’ve seen firsthand the dedication of our team and members. Numerous allies, including Attorney General Shapiro, have joined our Webinar Wednesdays to discuss gun violence during the pandemic. We’re fighting absurd legislation which permanently opens gun-related businesses as life-sustaining businesses. And, our educational programs are allowing students and teachers to address gun violence in their community.

While we cannot meet in person during this time, please reach out to me to share your knowledge and thoughts on how we can work together to tackle gun violence.

Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Adam Garber

CeaseFirePA Executive Director

Webinar Wednesdays

Since the start of the novel Coronavirus pandemic, heightened emotional stress has led to an increase in domestic violence, suicides, and other forms of gun violence. The financial strain for many Pennsylvanians further exacerbates this risk.

While our usual avenues of educating and organizing through in-person activities are not available during the “shelter in place” order, we have developed new programs to continue our critical work to protect people from gun violence. Our series of weekly webinars have covered a variety of topics from how legislation moves in Harrisburg to state government civics to the current landscape of firearm policy in Pennsylvania as well as the far reaching impact of those policies with our Partners.  Attorney General Shapiro joined us to discuss how his office is responding to gun violence in the Commonwealth by addressing 3D printed (ghost) guns, 2nd amendment sanctuary cities, and the growing threats of gun violence during a pandemic.  Brady United Against Gun Violence discussed the rise of pro-gun militia organizations organizing “re-open” demonstrations at state Capitols, weeks before they came to Pennsylvania.

These webinars have become such a success that we have decided to add them to our regular programming lineup, and create a space for them on our website ensuring they can be accessed on demand from all corners of the Commonwealth.  We hope you have tuned into one of our Webinar Wednesdays either through Zoom or on Facebook live - if not, sign up to receive notices or check our website for future dates where we will be covering policy issues like safe storage and preemption.

Defending Philadelphia's Lost & Stolen Law

For nearly 10 years, gun owners in Philadelphia County have been legally required to meet what is their moral obligation: report a lost or stolen firearm to the police immediately. But it wasn’t until this past November that Philadelphia’s District Attorney decided to enforce it. And now, CeaseFirePA is helping defend his action in court.

The law aimed to curb the proliferation of illegally obtained guns on the streets of Philadelphia that are often used in crimes.  These deadly weapons are obtained through straw purchasers who allege they didn’t know their gun was stolen or lost until it is discovered at a crime scene.

When a gun was found during a routine drug arrest last fall, the police went to talk to its owner.  His response: he forgot to report it as lost or stolen.  That was too much for the District Attorney who decided to charge him under the City's Lost & Stolen law.  And then an NRA-backed attorney started defending him, arguing that only the Pennsylvania General Assembly can regulate guns.

CeaseFirePA will be standing beside the city of Philadelphia as it defends this life-saving law which ensures guns are in the hands of their legal owners. In early March, thanks to our partners at the Public Interest Law Center and generous assistance from Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLP, a judge granted CeaseFirePA’s petition to intervene in support of Philadelphia. We can now put experts on the stand who can testify as to why lost or stolen laws will save lives. Our status allows us to make the legal case that Philadelphia should be able to take action to save lives from guns

We are proud to stand with our partners in defense of common sense firearm policy.


Wear Orange for Gun Safety

June 5th is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. While we cannot be together in person this year, we are organizing a week of activities to remember gun violence survivors and those we have lost. We invite all of our supporters to join us as we highlight the work of our partners across the Commonwealth and rededicate ourselves to our mission. 

  • Monday - Fast Facts about gun violence during Covid-19 - how has the pandemic impacted gun violence across the Commonwealth.

  • Tuesday - PA primary election day - help us remind lawmakers that gun violence is always on the ballot

  • Wednesday - Webinar Wednesday partner will be Gays Against Guns where we will focus on the often underreported gun violence and partner violence impacting the LGBTQI community

  • Thursday - CeaseFirePA's Wear Orange Rally with Sen. Bob Casey, survivors, students and other law makers

  • Friday - We will join Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Helen Ubiñas for her annual "Fill the Steps" Rally

Check out our website and follow our social media pages for a CeaseFirePA banner to show your support, receive action alerts, and sign up for the rally!

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P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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