
Despite all the swampy schemes of the extreme liberals, we are now only days away from having enough certified signatures to fairly qualify a Repeal of Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential elections on November’s ballot.

As you know, under Maine law, if we gather the right amount of signatures, we not only get a chance to vote in November to permanently repeal Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential elections going forward, but we stop it from interfering in our Presidential vote this year.

That is why these signatures are so critical. To those who who have already signed, thank you!

Should those signatures be enough? Absolutely!

Will they be enough? Extreme Liberal pro-RCV folks will do anything to stop us!

We know from experience that the liberals, especially the out-of-state extreme groups, who first brought Ranked Choice Voting to Maine will use every tactic in the book to stop us. That includes attacking our signature process and even trying to throw some of our signatures into question.

Once we started showing success in this effort they filed a lawsuit. Now we fully expect them to do even more.

We don’t want to simply cross that finish line, we want to bury it. To do so, we must make one last, big push between now and June 6.

A contribution here today will help us get it done.

Our plan is working!

We are working night and day to finalize the signature gathering process to stop Ranked Choice Voting for this year’s Presidential elections and to give Mainers an opportunity to permanently repeal it for Presidential elections with a vote in November.

Please consider contributing, here, now, today to help us defeat Ranked Choice Voting.

Time is of the essence. Thank you for your support.


Dr. Demi Kouzounas

Please help us by making a contribution of some amount, here, now today: donation link.