
We are navigating uncharted waters.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced policy makers to simultaneously deal with an economic collapse and a public health emergency. EPI's economic research takes on new urgency as we reshape and rebuild our economy.
This month, you can support EPI without making a donation. Our friends at CREDO Mobile have selected us to receive a share of $150,000 in funding. Every vote that we receive means more funding dedicated to research that supports working people and our movement for progressive economic change.
Click here to vote for EPI today to support EPI’s critical work.

EPI economist Josh Bivens's recent report details how the United States is guaranteed to face "a prolonged depression" without additional federal funding to prevent a decline in public services and layoffs in states and cities throughout our country.
Bivens' work makes clear that instead of throwing away $135 billion on tax cuts for millionaires―a tax cut that was hidden deep in the $2.2 trillion CARES Act―we must dedicate that money to working families and the public good.
EPI's mission―ensuring that working people are included in the policy decisions being made in Washington, DC and across the country―is more critical now than ever. Today, we’re NOT asking for a donation. We need your vote!
Click here to vote for EPI today to support our work―without opening your wallet. Your vote will get EPI a larger share of funds from CREDO Mobile.
Here's how it works:
  1. Go to our page at
  2. Check the box next to EPI
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Click vote now
CREDO is an important ally in our fight to make sure our economy works for all of us, not just the wealthy few. Over the years, they’ve donated $108,605 to EPI to fight back against growing income and wealth inequality.
Click here to vote for EPI, and fuel our efforts to produce the critical economic research both policy makers and activists need. All you have to do is VOTE!
Together, let’s fight for progressive economic policies that lift up all working people.
Thank you for your support,
Thea Lee
President, Economic Policy Institute
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