From Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <[email protected]>
Subject DAY 8: Planned Parenthood's NY Disaster
Date March 12, 2025 10:01 AM
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Email from 40 Days for Life Circling the drain John, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York has had a BAD five years. The first signs of trouble emerged back in 2020, when the organization fired its CEO after allegations of bullying, financial mismanagement, and racism. The abortion chain then finally acknowledged the racism of its founder, Margaret Sanger, and stripped her name from its flagship abortion facility in Manhattan. Things have not gotten any better. Manhattan 40 Days for Life leader Laurie reports that the Manhattan Planned Parenthood was closed for much of January and February... ...and now in March is not performing surgical abortions. "Praise be to God, your prayers are working!" Laurie told her volunteers. "Let's all pray, pray, pray for this Planned Parenthood to close down permanently!" Planned Parenthood's Empire State tailspin isn't limited to Manhattan. The Planned Parenthood in Goshen--the site of dozens of 40 Days for Life vigils--has been "closed until further notice" for months. It appears that shutting down four New York Planned Parenthoods just last year wasn't enough to stop the financial bleeding. If God can cripple Planned Parenthood in a state as pro-abortion as New York, He can do it where you live too! Ask Him to end abortion in your city by signing up to pray at: Wil, Switzerland Pro-lifers are hosting a 40 Days for Life campaign in Wil for the first time--and it's off to a great start! "There were so many people praying today," wrote the local leadership team. The vigil has captured the attention of the community with numerous motorists and passersby stopping to learn what vigil participants were up to. Abortion is less controversial in much of Europe compared with the United States, so these outreach opportunities are critical for raising awareness of the violence of abortion and the sacredness of human life. Fort Collins, Colorado 40 Days for Life Institute of Law & Justice attorney Dwight Artis recently spoke at a campaign event in Fort Collins. "Kristi, the Fort Collins leader, stated that the temperature has changed, and people are becoming more receptive of the 40 Days for Life message," Dwight reported. Kristi and her team had a large sign-up board to help fill her vigil slots at the event. They were overjoyed at seeing the star. --Matthew 2:10 Jesus, you are the divine physician and the source of all life. Bless doctors, nurses, and health care professionals so that they might always protect the gift of life. Help them to see you in every patient. As you heal our souls, let them heal our bodies. Amen. For life, Shawn Carney President & CEO, 40 Days for Life View this email as a webpage. 40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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