Justice & accountability for the murder of George Floyd!  Artwork by Camila Garcia: https://garciacamila.wixsite.com/milacreates The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights joins voices from across the nation condemning the violent murder of George Floyd. We watched with horror as the life of another black man was taken at the hands of a white police officer, while other officers at the scene stood by and did nothing to stop it. This act of murder by the police and the militarized responses against protestors are part of a long-standing system of oppression and state violence against black people and other people of color. Immigrant and refugee communities know all too well this legacy of violence. We remember Jose Gutierrez and Anastasio Hernández Rojas, only two of thousands of victims of Border Patrol brutality against migrants -- brutality that proceeds with total impunity at the U.S.-Mexico border. In the current era, such violence by enforcement institutions is emboldened by racist and xenophobic narratives coming from the highest levels of government. We are heartbroken and enraged by the death of George Floyd, who joins Tony McDade, murdered by police in Florida; Breonna Taylor, murdered in her own home by police in Kentucky; Sean Reed, murdered and then mocked by police on Facebook in Indiana; Michael Ramos, killed by police in Texas in April; and Ahmaud Arbery, murdered in Georgia in February by two armed white vigilantes who were 'policing' their neighborhood, and who were protected by the local police department refusing to make arrests until a national outcry exposed the coverup. These acts are rampant violations of human rights and must be stopped. We denounce the violent forces of racism and the brutal disregard of human life, and call for justice and immediate accountability for the murder of George Floyd. This country must confront the embedded racism that lies at the core of our law enforcement system. The unwillingness of the authorities to hold murderers in uniforms accountable is further evidence that the 'halls of justice' do not serve all people equally. We stand with communities from across the country in calling upon County Attorney Freeman to change ALL officers at the scene with murder. The Chief of Police and law enforcement boards should also be held accountable. Furthermore, in addressing the public outrage against the murder and the lack of official accountability, we urge leaders around the country -- particularly the Governor of Minnesota -- to call for an immediate de-escalation of hostile confrontation tactics. ~ NNIRR Board of Directors TAKE THESE ACTIONS As an act of solidarity, you can use your voice and take immediate action by signing this petition: For a tribute to George Floyd and #SayTheirNames go to: Connect/Support: |