From Americans United for Life <[email protected]>
Subject Planned Parenthood Must Be Held Accountable
Date June 1, 2020 2:24 PM
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St. Louis Planned Parenthood is a threat to public health and safety, plain and simple.

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"Missouri concluded that the St. Louis Planned Parenthood did not meet basic health and safety standards, yet as too often happens, judges have stepped in as de facto Planned Parenthood cheerleaders to keep a substandard abortion business open. What is the point of a democracy if state leaders elected by the people are prohibited from ensuring basic health and safety?" —Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO at Americans United for Life
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Sworn depositions raise new questions in Planned Parenthood fetal tissue controversy ([link removed][UNIQID])
(Fox News) Gatter specifically testified that she would alter her “techniques.” While discussing her “evolution” in thinking on the issue, Gatter said: “By the time I was at PP [Planned Parenthood] Pasadena, many of us were moving in the direction of making this distinction between method and procedure, method and technique. And so I was very comfortable at that time that the difference in technique did not – doing different techniques: manual aspiration versus electronic aspiration – did not really affect the procedure or the method; so it was, therefore, permissible in terms of fetal tissue donation.” Catherine Glenn Foster, an attorney who leads Americans United for Life, told Fox News that PPFA's distinction "doesn't matter legally. They are changing the procedure in order to sell ... the bodies of abortion victims."

COVID-19 Lawsuits Expose Our Unacceptable Status Quo on Abortion ([link removed][UNIQID]#slide-1)
(National Review) In short, abortion advocates and their allies argue, Roe and subsequent jurisprudence mean that states may not, for any reason, restrict a woman’s ability to obtain an elective abortion at any stage of pregnancy. By and large, federal judges have agreed with them, prohibiting states from limiting abortion as one of many nonessential procedures. This pandemic has underscored a problem that already existed, exposing not only the insatiable greed of the abortion lobby but also the way in which U.S. abortion jurisprudence has established an unworkable system for adjudicating these disputes. When the Supreme Court in Roe manufactured a right to abortion, it gave judges the power to impose a nakedly political decision on the entire nation, including states that correctly view the ruling as a hijacking of the Constitution.

Matt Vallière on the Patients Rights Action Fund, suicide by physician, and better choices ([link removed][UNIQID])
(Life, Liberty, and Law) One person dies of suicide every eleven minutes in our country. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Americans between 10 and 34 years of age. The fight against suicide is in many ways, the rallying cry of the next generation. While the broad consensus to fight suicide across society has been extolled from almost all corners, suicide by physician is less often understood to be the tragedy that it is. Indeed, the scourge of suicide by physician is infecting American healthcare and culture and reversing the age-old understanding of the physician as a healer. Nihilistic but powerful activists, tacitly in league with monied insurance interests, promote suicide by physician as an antidote to the uncertainty that can come from disability, increasing age, and other forms of vulnerability. Matt Vallière, Executive Director of the Patients Rights Action Fund, joins Tom Shakely and Noah Brandt to talk about what patients truly deserve and how to make better
choices in uncertain times.
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Catherine Glenn Foster joins EWTN Pro-Life Weekly to discuss the moral imperative to ensure that American foreign policy does not fund or promote abortion.

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