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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

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Another Monday in Indian River County...
*5 months and 2 days until Election Day 2020
*America is just coming out of self-quarantine
*Americans are suffering from cabin fever and the effects of having a booming economy artificially shut down on them
And then...a law enforcement officer with a checkered past including complaints for excessive force commited what looks from every angle we have seen to be a heinous and unwarranted act of physical violence against a duly and properly arrested suspect who was accused of violating state and federal law. Worse, several of the officer in question's fellow officers did not intervene when they could have, and the suspect lost his life while in custody after having been subdued. 
And then the charlatans descended....
While no evidence exists that racial bias (as opposed to other possible reasons, such as megalomania, psychological unfitness for the job, or even a simple mean streak) was the reason that the officer in question exerted excessive force, the segment of society that blames everything on race has jumped to that conclusion. Rioting, burning, and looting ensued. Al Sharpton appeared and chastised the rioters for burning black-owned businesses along with white-owned businesses, although it is unclear why white business owners - or anyone - should have their businesses burned due to the actions of a police officer they have likely never met and who has been indicted for murder and manslaughter.
And that is America on the first of June.
But there's more. Rioting and protests have spread to Europe as well.  Several contenders for the Democratic Vice Presidential Nomination have been said to have been disqualified due to the above events, due to their career ties to law enforcement, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, and Rep. Val Demings, formerly Orlando's chief of police. Apparently, it is very difficult to be self-righteous enough to be a politician on that side of the aisle.
And of course, no matter what happens, it's all President Trump's fault.

And locally...
The GOOD NEWS is, events are starting to open up again, within responsible public health guidelines! The first event we have to announce is the Flag Day Boat Parade. Here's the flyer:
 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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