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Dear Subscriber,

We’re worried about the June 23 primaries. Not about who will win or lose, but whether anyone will vote—and whether voters have enough information to make their choices.

Before the coronavirus threatened New Yorkers' lives and livelihoods, this year's primaries were going to be important. Now, they're that much more so. But along with higher stakes, COVID-19 means new challenges for fair elections. Will people with disabilities or those who need language assistance be able to vote safely? 

City Limits is diving deep into that question, and into the races themselves. On May 14, we co-hosted a primary debate in the 15th Congressional District. We’re doing other work on that race—in Spanish first, as part of our Una Ciudad sin Limites project. We’ve also reported on the contest in the 9th Congressional district, and co-hosted candidates from that race on the Max & Murphy Show. We’ve published stories on some of the candidates in the 12th district as well, and we’re organizing a debate in the 10th. 

With reporting by our CLARIFY interns, we’re partnering with Gotham Gazette and WNYC on a voter’s guide. (We’ll even create a voters’ guide for those judicial candidates we’re asked to vote on without knowing anything about them). And we’ll host opinion pieces by candidates, campaigns and allies to amplify the conversation about the direction New York and our country should take. 

These efforts will continue deep into 2020, through the presidential election in November - all while also reporting on the coronavirus crisis, housing policy, aging issues and environmental stories, and curating Voices of New York

This is what City Limits does: tireless reporting on the nitty-gritty of New York City with the goal of informing the public so democracy can work. It’s hard. It’s important. And it’s not free.

With a donation today you can cast your 2020 vote earlynot for a candidate, but for the cause of independent, mission-driven reporting. Join us. And, please vote.

Yes, I'll support City Limits!
With gratitude, 
Jarrett Murphy 
Executive Editor
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