From Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <[email protected]>
Subject DAY 7: Looking for a Sign
Date March 11, 2025 10:01 AM
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Email from 40 Days for Life Saving lives from a distance John, There's nothing more thrilling than when an abortion-bound woman stops to talk with YOU about alternatives to abortion. But even if you don't have the opportunity to engage her in conversation, a good pro-life sign can still empower a mom to choose life. That was the case in Redwood City, California, where a client appeared to ignore 40 Days for Life participants on her way into the abortion facility. No problem. Their sign did all the talking. While Jessica and Carol prayed, the expectant mother saw the phone number for a local pregnancy help center on their sign and called to request help keeping her baby! As the woman left Planned Parenthood, she stopped to tell Jessica and Carol that she didn't want to have the abortion. "What a great gift this was this morning!" Jessica exclaimed. Jessica and Carol provided additional information on resources to help the mom in her life decision and promised to continue praying for her. Cherry Hill, New Jersey A couple drove into the Cherry Hill abortion center parking lot, waited for a while, and then drove back out. They never even went into the abortion facility! As they departed, the couple rolled down the window of their vehicle to tell Larry that they decided not to go through with the abortion. "Thanks be to God that He allowed us to start off the campaign with such a wonderful consolation," wrote Claire, the local vigil leader. "Please pray for them that they stay strong in their decision." Columbus, Georgia A full house was on hand for the 40 Days for Life kickoff rally in Columbus, Georgia. "We filled every seat available with 10 people standing!" reported Angie, the local leader. The enthusiasm continued as the vigil began. Three new volunteers came out to pray for the first time. "And we had one baby saved today on our first day of the campaign!" Angie exclaimed. "Glory to God!" While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” --Luke 2:6-7 Dear Jesus, you entered the world through the “yes” of your mother. Help us to say “yes” to the needs of those around us, especially the needs of expectant mothers. Open our hearts so that we might generously share your love with others, and help us to be a refuge for women and children seeking safety and care. Amen. For life, Shawn Carney President & CEO, 40 Days for Life View this email as a webpage. 40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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