How do we deal with unemployment now that the CARES Act has changed everything? The President oversteps his legislative role.
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June 1, 2020
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Restricting Social Media Harms Free Speech ([link removed] )
Section 230 is not contingent on politically neutral content moderation, is not a subsidy or special privilege, nor does it make a distinction between publishers and platforms.
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By Matthew Feeney
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A Strategic Approach to China Relies on Reasonable Expectations ([link removed] )
A viable strategic framework for U.S.‐China relations must begin with realistic expectations. This cold war won’t be like the last one.
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By Christopher A. Preble
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How Will Unemployment Work Now? ([link removed] )
The unemployment picture looks grim right now for tens of millions of Americans. Cato’s Ryan Bourne comments on what idled workers expect and what the future might hold for ramping employment back up.
- Podcast: Where Does Unemployment Go from Here? ([link removed] )
Featuring Ryan Bourne and Caleb O. Brown
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