In this week’s edition, I describe what causes you to feel positive emotion and how you can facilitate positivity in your own life. Then, I talk with Katy Faust, who is an author, speaker, and founder and president of the children’s rights organization Them Before Us; we discuss surrogate pregnancies, no-fault divorce, and the purpose of marriage. From the archives, I look back on a short segment in which I explain the great benefits of compliments.
How To Experience Positivity In Life
In order to stop your current anxiety system from tagging older anxiety systems, you have to do something about it. Otherwise, you will continue to be tortured by negative memories forever — because that is how an alarm system works.
You may need to return to your past memories for clarity and understanding. You should figure out how the situation happened, and ask what role you played. Your role may, indeed, have been minor, but the degree to which you were involved does not necessarily matter, as that is not the point of your discovery. The point is that you do not want to be put in the same vulnerable position again; instead, you want to strengthen yourself however you can.
If it is a really old memory from your childhood, for instance, you probably have a variety of techniques you could use now — because you are not a child now. However, you must update the part of your brain that still thinks you are four years old. It is possible that parts of yourself are still caught in a traumatic childhood experience. Thus, you need to know where you are now, so to speak, to then address the memory.
When you decide to move from one point to another — specifically, somewhere slightly better — that is good. The positive emotion system that runs on dopamine will respond neurochemically for the sole reason you are going somewhere worth going. This system, deeply rooted in your brain’s exploratory circuitry, is happy when you have somewhere to go; then, it is happy when you are progressing.
“An Evening to Transform Your Life” Tour
Culture is changing — or attempting to change — what masculinity means. Because of this, there is a need for a voice of reason to ring true and address what it means to become a man. In “Dragons, Monsters, and Men,” Jordan provides a four-episode series on the importance of not lying, learning to negotiate, becoming a worthy man, and choosing one aim for which to devote yourself. To watch this and other content with Jordan, join DailyWire+ for exclusive content unavailable anywhere else.
Ten Classic Books I Recommend For Any Stage Of Life
Great books observe people, particularly those that involve interesting and profound character transformations. After all, the greatest of books are not about ordinary people during ordinary times in their lives — such ordinariness is not useful since we already know how to be ordinary. Talented writers create stories that distill and aggregate; they omit everyday, common material but include much excitement. Fiction is, therefore, a distillation of compelling experiences. These are works I have recommended for years and continue to do so, as they have all been particularly influential to me.
Katy Faust Savages Hookup Culture | EP 527
In this episode, Katy Faust joins me to discuss pressing familial topics in today’s culture. Katy is an author, speaker, and founder and president of the children’s rights organization Them Before Us. We discuss the ethics of surrogate pregnancies, the importance of both the mother and father in the home, the purpose of marriage being for the child — not the adults, and the abysmal outcomes of no-fault divorce in our culture.
Be Careful When You Compliment People
In this brief clip, I concisely summarize why you must be careful when you compliment people. Compliments can be presumptuous if they are given inappropriately. But there is sound reasoning to pay people compliments, including peers, people you love, and those lower in the authority hierarchy. If you pinpoint specifics when giving compliments, then people will continue that behavior. Consequently, this affects the type of environment you foster — for the better.
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson