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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 1 June


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Church leaders threaten legal action over coronavirus church closures - NSS quoted

A coalition of Christian bishops and reverends has urged the government to prioritise churches in its exit strategy from the coronavirus lockdown.

Mail Online


Clergy criticise Church of England using faith school admissions to 'artificially boost church attendance'

A group of senior Anglicans have written to the Church of England urging it "to abandon admission policies that discriminate against people by faith" in its schools.



Fundraisers who made 'misogynistic comments' on Muslim TV channel apologise

Two fundraisers who appeared on the channel British Muslim TV have apologised for sexist comments they made live on the channel.

Asian Image


Singing in religious buildings a 'problem' for spread of coronavirus, warns communities secretary

Singing in religious buildings should not yet be allowed, the communities secretary has said.

Huffington Post


‘Doctor’ jailed for performing botched circumcision on baby did 12 more say gardai

A man jailed over the 'barbaric' circumcision, without any anaesthetic, of a baby boy is under investigation for 12 other illegal circumcisions.


US: Supreme court rejects church’s challenge to shutdown order

The Supreme Court on Friday turned away a request from a church in California to block enforcement of state restrictions on attendance at religious services.

The New York Times


Catholic diocese in Minnesota to pay sexual abuse victims $22.5m

Some 70 people say they were abused by 41 priests in cases that date back to the 1950s.

The Guardian


'India’s anti-Muslim fake news factories are following the anti-Semitic playbook'

"Take any crime, add a false Muslim angle to show Muslims as perpetrators. This is exactly what Christians did to Jews in Europe for centuries."

The Print


Latest from the NSS


Push government on caste discrimination, NSS tells UN rapporteur

The NSS has urged the UN special rapporteur on minority issues to push the government to outlaw discrimination on the grounds of 'caste'.


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