Weekly transmissions from Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment
Big Phama profit
As much of the world seeks desperately to avoid the fate of the millions who have died due to the coronavirus, one industry (among others) stands to profit: Big Pharma.

As chief advisor of "Operation Warp Speed," his administration's $10-billion plan to develop a vaccine, Trump chose former venture capitalist Dr. Moncef Slaoui. Slaoui happens to have been an executive at GlaxoSmithKline, the world's seventh-largest pharmaceutical company. After leaving GSK in 2017, he joined the board of Moderna Inc., an early favorite to develop a vaccine. And though Slaoui had resigned the position to head Operation Warp Speed, he still held $10 million–worth of Moderna stock options when he took up the job.

Lo and behold, which company received $483 million in Warp Speed funding? That's right: Moderna. (Moderna's share price soared after the announcement.) Slaoui later sold off his Moderna stock. But only after the likes of Elizabeth Warren called him out for his "huge conflict of interest" — and presumably, after he turned a very pretty profit.

This is merely a microcosm of the profiteering long prosecuted by the price-gouging princes of Big Pharma. They abide by the only rule they know: profit, above all else. That's part of why nearly 140 million Americans reported financial hardship due to overwhelming medical expenses last year — and during the previous year, why Americans spent $535 billion on prescription drugs, or twice what Britons spent per capita.

Big Pharma makes the medicine that you need. But it is not on your side. (Remember the opioid epidemic?) At your expense, it is going to make a killing by exploiting this crisis.

For the wealth and weal of all, it's time to rein in Big Pharma's unchecked greed. It's time for the U.S. to join just, humane societies in instating universal health and pharmacare.
As the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic has made clear, much must be done to curb Big Pharma's rampant avarice. Let us know what you think should be done to prevent a healthcare monopoly. Send us a direct message, email us at [email protected], or call us. (Our number is at the very bottom of this email). And stay tuned for more activist-oriented briefings.
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