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Local Update, 17 February 2025
Barnet Voice for Mental Health [[link removed]]
020 3475 1314
[email protected]]
Welcome to our weekly newsletter about mental health services and support available in Barnet and beyond. Also bringing you updates on Inclusion Barnet mental health news. Produced by Ed Peston, Communications Assistant.
Inclusion Barnet news and events Save the date! Inclusion Barnet AGM
The next Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Inclusion Barnet is planned for Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 4pm until 5.30pm via Zoom. If you are a member, you’ll receive an email invitation soon, please look out for it and remember to check your junk mail.
If you’d like to sign up as a member, its FREE and takes just a few minutes: Sign up to Inclusion Barnet membership [[link removed]].
Events and news from the web Barnet Service User and Carer Forum
Date: 20th February 2025
Runs on the third Thursday of every month
Time: 14:00 –15:30
Topic: How to use your lived experience to improve Mental Health Services.
Speaker: Dev Malhi, Involvement Team
They will also be joined by Carol Moyo, Managing Director of Barnet Mental Health Services.
Carol will update you on what is happening across Barnet and there will be time to ask her questions.
Barnet Mental Health services want to hear what you have to say about Adult Mental Health services. Their forum encourages and promotes service users and carers working alongside staff to improve services.
They have speakers arranged each month and a chat about other topics our attendees may want to discuss. They also share useful information about things happening in Barnet.
Venue: In person at The Network, 24 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1TR
Microsoft Teams, join by clicking the link or entering the details below. MS Teams link is also available on the BEH trust website.
Click here to join the meeting [[link removed]]
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 3321 5208,,325359623# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 325 359 623#
Contact Jessica Lashko [
[email protected]]
Hub Connections
27th February 2025
11.15am to 2.15pm | The Meritage Centre, Church End, London NW4 4JT
You are invited to the next Hub Connections event!
Join Barnet Wellbeing Service and Barnet Primary Care Group for an event on self-care, chaired by Dr. Clare Stephens.
Highlights include:
Expert talks on cancer awareness by Dr. Cuddis and vaccinations by Dr. Yong.
Discussions around managing your health at home.
Information stalls from local organisations.
Come along, enjoy a complimentary lunch, and connect with others – they’d love to see you there!
Registration link:
[[link removed]]
[email protected]]
03333 449 088
[[link removed]]
[[link removed]] Final reminder: Barnet Council need your voice: join their workshop
Have you experienced suicidal thoughts? Have you tried to end your life? Have you lost someone to suicide?
You can help influence Barnet's Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan and make a difference in our community.
We would like to understand your experiences and what more can be done to prevent suicide in the future.
About the focus group
When: Wednesday 19th February, registration from 11am, workshop 11.30-1pmWhere: The Network, 24 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1TRCompensation: Participants will receive a £22 gift card as a thank you for their time, lunch will also be provided after the discussion
Why participate?
Share your experiences in a safe, supportive environment.Help guide the development of the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan in Barnet and improve support for others.Receive compensation (a £22 voucher and lunch) for your time.
How do you know if this group is for you?
You are an 18+ resident of Barnet.You have experienced suicidal thoughts, have tried to end your life, or have lost someone to suicide in the past 5 years.You feel safe and able to talk about your experiences. You’re comfortable seeking support or taking a break if needed during the session.You feel safe listening to other peoples’ experiences, which may be similar or different to your own.
To register interest visit the Eventbrite page here [[link removed]*p1yl98*_up*MQ..*_ga*MjYzMTQxNjcxLjE3Mzc1NTQ3NDk.*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTczNzU1NDc0OC4xLjAuMTczNzU1NDc0OC4wLjAuM] or scan the QR code above.
We are committed to making this event as inclusive as possible.
Contact [
[email protected]] with any questions or accessibility needs.
Barnet Suicide Prevention Partnership
If you are struggling, support is available. Please see the Regular events in Barnet and Useful links sections at the bottom of this newsletter for more information.
The science behind mental illness (webinar from Mindspring Mental Health Alliance), Wednesday 19 February, 6.00 - 7.00pm
Diagnosing mental illness isn't like diagnosing other chronic diseases. Are mental health disorders best understood as physical illnesses that affect the brain? Or do these disorders belong in a category all their own? Explore the causes, treatment, and prevention of mental illness and separate myths & facts in this often-misunderstood topic.
Book The science behind mental illness [[link removed]]
Mental health & suicide awareness training (online course from Kaleidoscope Plus Group), Monday 24 February, 1.00 - 4.30pm
An online course developing skills and confidence to be able to support someone experiencing mental health struggles, in distress or having thoughts of suicide.
Book Mental health & suicide awareness training [[link removed]]
Mental health - legacy of Islamic approaches (online event from The Aziz Foundation) Monday 17 February, 7.00 - 7.40pm
The webinar will explore the rich history of Islamic contributions to mental health, including the establishment of the world's first documented psychiatric hospitals being located within the Muslim world over 1,000 years ago, and their innovative approaches to care.
Book Mental health - legacy of Islamic approaches [[link removed]]
Optimise emotional resilience through neuroscience & psychology (webinar from Dr. Sajid), Sunday 23 February, 6.30 - 8.30pm
Unlock resilience using neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy. Learn practical tools to navigate emotions and thrive through adversity.
Book Optimise emotional resilience through neuroscience & psychology [[link removed]]
Introduction to mindfulness based stress reduction (online group from Community Bread), Saturdays, 1.00 - 2.30pm
Reduce stress and anxiety, increase your overall sense of well-being
Book Introduction to mindfulness based stress reduction [[link removed]]
Mindsnaps online (online session from Steve Rose), Wednesday 5 March, 7.00 - 9.00pm
Using photography to enable discussions about feelings and emotions in a fun, safe format.
Book Mindsnaps online [[link removed]]
Women's mental health - for women with women (online workshop from C&D Learning Solutions Ltd), Friday 21 February, 9.00 - 10.00am
Come along and join like minded women interested in their mental health and wellbeing and together explore what can impact wellbeing and how we can work with it.
Book Women's mental health - for women with women [[link removed]]
Got a relevant event to share in this newsletter?
Let us know by emailing the details to [
[email protected]]
Podcasts Podcast: Zeze Sohawan (from Centre for Mental Health)
ZeZe shares her own lived experience of being on a low-secure inpatient unit, and what helped her to get better.
Listen to Podcast: Zeze Sohawan [[link removed]]
Where did our attention spans go, and can we get them back? – full story podcast (from the Guardian)
Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine, has been studying our waning attention spans for 20 years. She tells Madeleine Finlay why she believes our powers of concentration are not beyond rescue, and reveals her top tips for finding focus
Listen to Where did our attention spans go, and can we get them back? – Full Story podcast [[link removed]]
Articles The powerful force of exercise with its beneficial effects on mental health (from Irish Independent)
How becoming more active is seen as increasingly beneficial to our overall health
Read The powerful force of exercise with its beneficial effects on mental health [[link removed]]
10 celebrities who have struggled with mental health (from Disability Horizons)
For many people, mental health can be disabling. But it isn’t just ‘ordinary’ folk who have experienced mental health problems.
Read 10 celebrities who have struggled with mental health [[link removed]]
One good thing: why you should start your week with some poetry (from Stylist)
"Poetry is incredibly moving. Amid all of the busyness of our lives, it’s so powerful to have someone put into words something that stops you in your tracks, that challenges you, that articulates the intensity of emotions you’re experiencing, that inspires action."
Read One good thing: why you should start your week with some poetry [[link removed]]
'Good side of bad' shows two sides of psychosis (from Psychology Today)
New film captures the individual and family experience of psychosis.
Read 'Good side of bad' shows two sides of psychosis [[link removed]]
Regular Events on the Web Online wellbeing workshops from Mid West Aries
Offering a range of free courses online via Zoom. Anyone over the age of 18 with an interest in mental health and well-being can sign up for the courses.
Book Online wellbeing workshops from Mid West Aries [[link removed]]
Music To remember (online event from Music Heals Minds), Tuesday 18 February, 7.00pm
These weekly virtual recitals with Nandani “Nani” Sinha and guests stimulate remembrance and gently invite reflection through familiar and bellowed songs.
Book Music To remember [[link removed]]
International wellbeing support group (From Rain on Me), Monday 17 February, 6.00pm
A free, international safe space to vent and grow with people who understand and accept you.
Book International wellbeing support group [[link removed]]
Regular Events in Barnet Barnet Depression Alliance Peer Support Group
A local self-help group for people suffering from depression or depression with anxiety.
Meets twice a month – on a Tuesday evening in North Finchley and on a Monday evening online via Zoom. The group also runs social events throughout the year.
Address: North Finchley
Phone: 0754 118 7907
Email: [
[email protected]]
Website: [[link removed]]
For more details of times and venue please telephone or email
Sanctuary in Barnet (from Mind in Enfield and Barnet)
Sanctuary in Barnet is a short-term crisis intervention and prevention service. They are open every day of the year, 4:30pm-10pm weekdays and 12-6pm weekends. They act as an A&E and Emergency services alternative, providing support to individuals in the Barnet Borough aged 18+.
More information on Sanctuary in Barnet [[link removed]]
Andy's Man Club in Barnet, Every Monday at the Meritage Centre, 7.00 - 9.00pm
Andy's Man Club run talking groups for men who have either been through a storm, are currently going through a storm, have a storm brewing in life or just want to meet a good group of people with the aim of improving one another. No referral, no registration and no charge. Even the brew and biscuits are free!
The Meritage Centre,
Church End,
Visit the Andy's Man Club Website [[link removed]]
Meridian Wellbeing in Barnet
A range of events and activities in Barnet and online including Barnet Wellbeing Hub, Barnet IAPT, Wellbeing Cafe, Wellbeing Workshops, Chinese Wellbeing Services, Supportive Online Communities
More information about Meridian Wellbeing events and activities [[link removed]]
Barnet Carers
Barnet Carers provides support and information for unpaid, informal, carers across the London Borough of Barnet. Includes yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
Read about and book Barnet Carers events [[link removed]]
Building Friendship
Building Friendship is a free weekly drop in every Friday for those with mental health difficulties.
Meet at East Barnet Baptist Church hall, EN4 8PS. Come along for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat between 10am and 12noon.
For more information email: [
[email protected]]. Or leave a message with your name and contact number on 020 8449 5320.
Do you feel isolated or lonely? Come along to Building Friendship. Free. remaining info repeats in main article." width="503" src=" Mind and Mood Support Group
We celebrated our eighth successful year on 4th January 2023 and have a group of regular attendees (usually around 6, but this may vary). The first half of the meeting our Guest Speaker speaks (on the day we have one) for approx. 20 mins, following this members are free to ask questions. Then half-way through, about 6.45 we have a comfort break with tea, coffee and biscuits. The second half, we all share our experiences of where we are since the last meeting.
The group is facilitated by Sandra Turner and Peter Sartori, both with considerable experience of the mental health system.
Fortnightly meetings will now be held at Friern Barnet Community Library,
Friern Barnet Road, N11 3DS.
Bus routes 221, 382 & 43 stop nearby.
If there is anything else you wish to know, please do not hesitate to contact:
Peter Sartori e: mailto:[
[email protected]] m: 07947 713306 Sandra Turner e: [
[email protected]]
If you wish to subscribe to our monthly “Creativity & Wellbeing Newsletter” please email Sandra with “Subscribe to Newsletter” in the subject of your email.
About Inclusion Barnet
[[link removed]]
We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation (DDPO).
Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions.
We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members, volunteers and the people who use our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services.
Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are:
Benefits Advice Service [[link removed]] (supporting Disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to).
Touchpoint [[link removed]] (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need).
Healthwatch Barnet [[link removed]] (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet).
For more information about the wider range of other work we do please visit our website [[link removed]]
Useful links for mental health and wellbeing
Click on the title to go to the individual websites.
Mind in Barnet [[link removed]] - counselling Mind in Barnet Sanctuary [[link removed]] - find calm, make space, move forward Barnet Wellbeing Service [[link removed]]BEH-MHT* crisis helpline 0800 151 0023 24/7, 365 days a year.
(*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust)
Good Thinking [[link removed]] - free online Mental Wellbeing for London Kooth [[link removed]] - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people Qwell [[link removed]] - free online safe and confidential space to share & support
Shout [[link removed]]- free, 24/7 text messaging support - text SHOUT to 85258 Samaritans [[link removed]] - free phone & email support in a crisis
Independent Living Centre, c/o Barnet & Southgate College,
7 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4BR
Inclusion Barnet is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity Number: 1158632
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