Jefferson’s Kentucky Resolutions were adopted the previous month (November 01, 1798). Jefferson used even stronger language, stating that the Alien and Seduction Acts were:
An undisguised declaration that the Central Government will bind the states by laws made, not with their consent, but against their consent.
Madison’s rhetorical skills were employed to articulate the concept of classical republican ideals, their support of states rights, and their opposition to a heavy-handed federal government.
All of this resonated with the American people. As a result, the Federal Party with its top-down ideals faded away. In 1800, the American people elected Thomas Jefferson as the third President of the United States.
While the personal jabs which have been a part of the fight to restore education in Oklahoma have been regretful, the “anti-Federalist sentiment” which has defined Ryan Walters and The Oklahoma Board of Education is a trait Oklahoma’s parents have found admirable.
The anti-tyranny sentiment of both Jefferson and Madison resonated with Americans in 1798. It has resonated strongly in Oklahoma with parents who want complete authority over the education of their children and resent anyone who would step between them and their child.
Ryan Walters believes that we, the people, are the funding source of all Government expense accounts. We should therefore have the final say as to whether we want the government to use our fiduciary education dollars to pay to educate the children of illegal aliens.
The accounting authority over tax dollars rests with the wage earner and not the government.
Both Walters and Governor Stitt agree that parents should be the only voice as to where their education dollars are sent. Only in a tyranny would a parent be denied using his educational dollars in the school of his choice, as the Oklahoma’s Attorney General contends in his lawsuit against the best interests of St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School, its children, and their families.
We were headed toward a tyranny in 1798. Tyrants abound in 2025. May God raise up men like Jefferson and Madison who will help us find our way back to freedom and the Godly respect for the citizen and their families.
I hope many of you will make plans to attend the Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting a week from this Thursday (February 27). It begins at 9:30 AM and the doors open at 8 AM. You may sign up to speak between 8 AM and 9:30 AM. The board will be discussing and voting on standards in social studies and science.