PFLAG Academy Online: February 2025

We all know the phrase, "If you're not going to say something nice, then don't say anything at all." But what do we do when others don't follow that rule? What about when unkindness impacts people and communities we care about, including our LGBTQ+ loved ones? What do we do when being kind means speaking up and not being so nice? 

Join us on Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT for PFLAG Academy Online: Be Kind, Not Just Nice: Transforming Your Conversations. This free, virtual event will teach you the skills you need to transform your conversations and stand by what you believe in without becoming unkind yourself.

Register today!

ICYMI: Federal Judge Blocks Trump Order Targeting Medical Care for Transgender Youth

In a victory for transgender youth, their families, and their medical providers, a federal district court issued a temporary restraining order on Thursday, February 13th, blocking enforcement of a Trump administration executive order attempting to shut down access nationwide to gender-affirming medical care for transgender people under 19. The decision by Judge Brendan Hurson was issued from the bench with a written order to come soon. 

The nationwide restraining order prohibits federal agencies from conditioning or withholding federal funding based on the fact that a healthcare entity or health professional provides gender-affirming medical care to a patient under nineteen. 🎉

For more information, visit

Calling All Dads of LGBTQ+ kids of all ages!

Tomorrow night is the night! Our first PFLAG Connects: Dad Community meeting will take place for one hour on the third Tuesday of each month, at 8pm ET/5pm PT, beginning TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 18.

As with all PFLAG support groups, there are no dues, fees, or membership required to join. For the PFLAG Connects: Dad Community meeting, anyone who is a dad of an LGBTQ+ person is welcome to attend. We’re also excited to share that this meeting will include a breakout room especially for dads of transgender and gender-diverse people

As always, the only requirement is to register in advance so that we can provide an even higher level of safety and support to attendees. Register now, and then get ready to join us on Tuesday, February 18!

This Week is Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

The term aromantic (sometimes shortened to “aro”) refers to folks who experience little to no romantic attraction. Aromantic people exist on a spectrum of romantic attraction and can use terms such as gray aromantic or grayromantic to describe their place within that spectrum. Aromantic people can experience sexual attraction, although not all do.

To our aromantic loved ones, we see you, support you, and are always PFLAGProud of you! 

Check out our resource page to learn more about Aromantic identities.


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