
It was quite a week for the campaign. Seth kicked off the week at the Salem, NH Chamber of Commerce, where he talked about banning assault weapons, infrastructure investment, and legalizing marijuana.

On Wednesday, Seth visited his friend Jason Kander’s new organization—the Veterans Community Project—to see the good work they're doing to end veterans homelesness.

After Israel's leaders banned two sitting Congresswoman from entering their country at Trump's request, Seth defended his colleagues and called Trump out on Twitter.

Seth also launched an ad this week about impeaching Donald Trump. Rachel Maddow took notice:

Seth then went on NBC to talk about Israel, the Middle East, and the Congresswomen who were denied entry into Israel this week.

When Seth was in Minnesota, he stopped by a local Democratic picnic in Apple Valley’s redwood park to talk with voters about why he’s running for president.

Seth wrapped up the week in Iowa, attending the Iowa State Fair and participating in the De Moines Register's Political Soapbox.

John, the Democratic field narrowed this week with John Hickenlooper dropping out of the race for president. Meanwhile, Seth continues to gain momentum and introduce himself to more and more voters every week.

But we’ve got a lot more work to do—and we need your help to introduce Seth to more folks across the country.

Will you chip in before the end of the weekend and help make sure we have the resources to continue building on Seth’s momentum?

Thank you,

Team Moulton