Donald Trump has never even seen a performance at the Kennedy Center.

SIGN: Protect free expression! Stop the political takeover of the Kennedy Center!

Dear MoveOn member, 

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is the nation's stage and belongs to all Americans. It's the place where our commitment to free speech for all people should be on full display. President Trump's unprecedented decision to fire board members over drag and "anti-American" performances threatens not just drag art but the fundamental promise that our national cultural institutions reflect the full diversity and creativity of our nation.1 That's why Qommittee is joining forces with MoveOn to push back. 

Will you sign the petition to protect free speech and defend the Kennedy Center from Trump's far-right takeover?

Donald Trump has never even seen a performance at the Kennedy Center. But that didn't stop him from declaring himself chairman.2 All because, out of thousands of performances every year, the Kennedy Center also hosts drag shows and brunches. This is not only political theater meant to distract the public from Trump's otherwise unpopular barrage of orders and directives—it's censorship, plain and simple.

Drag is a beautiful and joyful form of self-expression that has brought people together and built community for centuries. Qommittee is a national network of drag performers—and the people who support them—fighting back against the increase in threats, attacks, and violence facing drag communities across the country. We won't let them silence or erase us.

Our national cultural institutions should be free from any political interference that targets specific art forms or communities. When the government starts banning certain types of performances from our stages, it sets a dangerous precedent for all artistic expression.

As drag artists, we refuse to allow art and freedom of expression to be stifled! Add your name NOW to join us as we fight back against Trump's attempts to take over the Kennedy Center.

All of our stories deserve to be told on America's stage! Help SAVE the Kennedy Center from Trump's extreme and unprecedented control. 

The Kennedy Center has long celebrated America's diverse cultural heritage. Targeting board members over drag performances sends a chilling message about who gets to create art and whose stories deserve to be told.

Americans don't have to agree on everything, but our right to freedom of expression means we deserve to perform our art without bans, retaliation, or intimidation.

We're demanding that the board of the Kennedy Center publicly commit to protecting the artistic independence of the Center, providing programming that reflects America's full diversity, and implementing policies that will prevent Trump's political interference in artistic decision-making. 

Add your name to the petition if you agree that we must keep the Kennedy Center a creative space for artistic expression—not a vehicle for propaganda!

Trump's takeover of the Kennedy Center puts an unnecessary target on our communities, stoking anti-drag hate and making us all less safe. And for what purpose? The things that Americans actually need—cheaper everyday items, affordable housing and health care, and a sense of safety—will not be impacted by specific performances that happen at the Kennedy Center.

But the freedoms of everyday Americans will be impacted. We should all be concerned when the government begins to silence and censor art. 

Making this a priority in his first month as president sends a chilling message to artists, performers, and creators from not only the LGBTQIA+ community but all marginalized voices. And it gives the White House dangerous control over what kind of art is created, shared, and experienced.

If we let Trump assume control over the Kennedy Center, what will he turn to next? We don't want to find out.  

Click here to add your name to our petition, and then share with three friends to help save the Kennedy Center from Trump's takeover!

Thanks for all you do.

–Blaq Dinamyte and the team at Qommittee


1. "Drag group slams Donald Trump for takeover of Kennedy Center board and vowing to end drag shows," The Advocate, February 10, 2025

2. "'I get reports' | Trump says he has never seen a Kennedy Center performance after vowing to name himself chair," WUSA 9, February 10, 2025

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Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy. MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26 years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way forward.

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