
The abortion industry is propped up by selfish men who stand to benefit personally from abortion.

While the majority of pro-lifers are women, most abortionists, abortion facility owners, pro-abortion politicians, and the Supreme Court justices who decided Roe are men.

But a new poll shows that men are increasingly becoming pro-life.

I recently sat down with NTD News Today to discuss why men are finally catching up with women in recognizing the dignity of life in the womb:

To watch the interview, click the image or visit:

We cover:

  • Gen Z's surprising shift to the pro-life position;

  • How the Harris campaign's obsession with abortion pushed men away;

  • The role post-abortion regret plays in converting men;

  • Why women are delighted by the wave of pro-life men.

The March 5-April 13 40 Days for Life campaign begins two weeks from TOMORROW. Find the vigil nearest you and sign up to pray:

Your public prayers and pro-life witness will touch the hearts of both men AND women...

...and keep the hearts of baby girls and boys beating!

For life,

Shawn Carney

President and CEO, 40 Days for Life

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