From Broward Democratic Party <[email protected]>
Subject Save the Date... the Obama Roosevelt Legacy Gala is May 31st at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino
Date February 18, 2025 2:21 PM
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Save the Date
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Early Bird Tickets (ends March 31, 2025)
VIP Reception + Dinner Ticket $425 price April 1st... $500
Dinner Only $250 $300 VIP Reception Only $175 $200
VIP Reception + Table $4,000 $5,000
10 tickets to the VIP Reception and Dinner for the price of 9
Table $2,250 $3,000
10 tickets to Dinner for the Price the of 9
Chair's Committee $2,500
2 VIP Reception + Dinner Tickets plus acknowledgement in Gala program and website for one year.
Host Committee $1,000
2 VIP Reception + Dinner Tickets plus acknowledgement in Gala program and website for one year.
All Sponsorships include tickets to VIP Reception and Dinner, r ecognition in all marketing materials, f ull-page ad in program, during event, and BDP website for one year plus p hoto op with VIP Guest.
Platinum Sponsorship $15,000
10 tickets to VIP Reception and Dinner
Gold Sponsorship $10,000
6 tickets to VIP Reception and Dinner
Silver Sponsorship $7,500
4 tickets to VIP Reception and Dinner
Bronze Sponsorship $5,000
2 tickets to VIP Reception and Dinner
A la carte. Does not include tickets to VIP Reception or Dinner.
Front Inside Cover $2,500
Back Cover $2,500
Full Page $1,000
Half Page $500
Quarter Page $250
Tickets [[link removed]]
Paid for and Approved by the Broward Democratic Party.
Broward Democratic Party
8320 W. Sunrise Blvd. Suite 203
Plantation, FL 33322
United States
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