NO! In The Name of Humanity,
We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America
We Demand: The Trump Fascist Regime Must Go!
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the lives of people here and around the world we must refuse unlawful
and inhumane orders… we must fill the streets and town squares in rising
numbers — not stopping until we become millions — not relenting until
this regime is no longer able to implement its program.
In the grotesque form of Donald Trump and his vicious conglomeration
of Nazi-saluting strategists and shock troops, a fascist regime has come
to power. They have learned and hardened from the last eight years, and
they are on an accelerated path to remaking the country in their image.
The clock ticks toward the midnight hour. Each minute brings new shocks and jolts. Each second shatters lives.
It is unconscionable and dangerous to act as if fascism cannot happen
in America. It is unacceptable to conciliate or accommodate in the name
of protecting a few, when each day the mechanisms of fascism are
rapidly being hammered into place – locking in a future that imperils all.
That Trump came to power through an election is no excuse. No election, fair or fraudulent, legitimates fascism.
“Fascism” is not a curse word. Fully imposed, it is a
radically oppressive and repressive form of rule over the people of this
country, with devastating impact on the people of the world. The rule
of law is shredded. Civil and democratic rights are eliminated. Dissent
is piece by piece criminalized. The truth is bludgeoned. Group after
group demonized and targeted along a trajectory that leads to
Government institutions purged and stocked with MAGA loyalists.
Violent vigilante groups – now pardoned. From the halls of power to the
streets, fascist foot soldiers are primed and unrestrained to enforce
the program of the Trump regime. NO! We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
This is a fascist regime fighting to make this a country even more
ruthlessly ruled by white supremacy – where diversity is the enemy,
racism is openly the law, and ethnic cleansing is carried out and
celebrated. NO! We refuse to live in a society where the fight for
equality of all people – no matter their race, gender, sex, nationality,
or immigration status is mocked, vilified, and even forbidden.
A fascist regime fighting to make this a country ruled by virulent
macho patriarchy – where women are incubators, LGBTQ people are forced
back into the closet, and trans people are erased with targets on their
backs. NO! We refuse to live in a country where half of humanity are treated as less than human.
A fascist regime fighting to make this a country ruled by “America
First” xenophobia – where the hatred of “foreigners” means terrorizing
whole neighborhoods and peoples, tossing millions of immigrants into the
shadows and offshore concentration camps and death through deportation.
NO! We respect the dignity and humanity of every person no matter where they were born.
Trump threatens to take over weaker countries and effects a foreign
policy that heightens the danger of nuclear war. Never forget that Trump
has said: “If we have nuclear weapons, why can’t we use them?” NO! NO! NO! We will not allow this fascist gangster regime to destroy humanity.
All this while a leading core of the regime advances a theocratic
Christian supremacy – where the Bible is taken literally, and there is
no separation between church and state and people’s private lives. NO! We know that the right to believe or not to believe is essential to a diverse and thinking people.
This a regime of anti-science lunacy, accelerating climate devastation and fueling more epidemics and pandemics. NO! And again NO! We will fight with all we’ve got to prevent the destruction of the planet and life on it.
The hour has come for each of us to ask: If we do not act to stop this, what kind of people will we become?
We stand up and fight for a future in which no human being is
enslaved, subjugated, or deemed “illegal” … a future in which the planet
can heal and people can be fit caretakers of the earth…
There can be no conciliation or collaboration between the world we
want and the country they want. We have no common cause with MAGA
There is a way to defeat this. We, the undersigned, call on the
decent people who don’t want to live in a fascist America – who are more
than half the country – to courageously rise up as one.
Those who have dedicated their lives to
service – to teach children, to heal the sick, to conduct life-saving
research – refusing to comply with fascist decrees, backed up by all
justice-loving people.
Students and young people whose whole
future is on the line making schools and campuses centers of resistance
and filling the streets.
Women and LGBTQ people who are furious at being enslaved and erased —bringing their defiance and rage into the public square.
People of color and everyone sick to
death of white supremacy refusing to go back, bringing the experience
and fury of centuries of resistance into this fight.
Artists, writers, clergy, and legal scholars speaking in many voices to say NO! bringing their voices into the struggle.
With this: Millions in the streets not allowing business as
usual when that business is cementing fascist rule with the vilest
degrading morality down our throats. MANY VOICES AND BODIES DEMANDING:
THE TRUMP FASCIST REGIME MUST GO! With this we can and must create a
political crisis in which the Trump regime cannot govern and implement
their fascist program or even maintain his hold on power.
Waiting for the next elections will be too late. We cannot rely on
the Democratic Party’s leadership who complacently rely on the very
norms and processes that the Trump regime shreds by the hour.
NO! We must organize and struggle as we never have before. We
must not allow ourselves to be divided and conquered. We must unite all
who can be united from many different viewpoints and perspectives, to
foster and draw on a collective spirit of courage and righteous fury and
willingness to make the necessary sacrifices, for the greater good of
defeating this fascism. We in our millions are a force powerful enough
to defeat Trump/MAGA fascism.
Let it not be said that when there was still a chance to stop an
unprecedented threat to the future of humanity, we did not rise to meet
the challenge of our time. Let us not allow the watching world today to
despair of our silence and our failure to act. Instead, let the world
see our determination and courage and hear our righteous demand:
In The Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America.
The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go!
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