It's been ten years since we raised the minimum wage. It's time to Raise the Wage.


It’s been over ten years now -- the longest period in history -- since we’ve increased the federal minimum wage.

Tell the Republicans in the Senate to raise the federal minimum wage!

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At a time when corporate executives are raking in 300 times as much as their workers, this is unacceptable. Workers in Michigan and across the country deserve to make a living wage.

That’s why Haley cosponsored the Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and make sure the minimum wage keeps up with inflation.

The good news is that the Raise the Wage Act passed the House in July. The bad news? The Republican-controlled Senate has no plans to take it up.

The Raise the Wage Act would increase pay for 1 in 4 workers in Michigan’s 11th district. Our working neighbors need this pay increase NOW, and we need to show Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans that we won’t wait. This isn’t a problem for the next Senate, or the next President.

The House acted, and it’s time for the Senate to do the same. Sign your name to our petition to demand Senate Republicans pass the Raise the Wage Act today!

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Haley ran for Congress to support working families and promote fairness in our economy. The Raise the Wage Act would boost pay for millions of working people and their families across the U.S. who are struggling to get ahead.

They can’t wait, and neither can we.

-- Team Stevens


Haley Stevens for Congress

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