It’s especially important that we act now because the budget is being rushed through a process called reconciliation, and it only needs a simple majority to pass. The first step, approving a budget resolution, could happen as soon as this week. Friend, if this budget passes, the consequences will be devastating for people of all walks of life. It would fund raids in schools, churches, and hospitals, while slashing critical programs like SNAP, Medicaid, and student loan relief, that millions of people rely on. These cuts to critical programs will make life harder, whether you are a citizen or an immigrant, young or old, or live in a rural community or an urban center. Instead of funding Trump’s mass deportation agenda, Congress should pass a budget that invests in strengthening our communities — one that provides stable support and childcare for working families, expands early childhood education, creates affordable housing, and increases access to health care. Our tax dollars should build opportunity, not separate families.