Chris Coons
Hey John --

I wanted to bump yesterday's email to the top of your inbox since we only have a few hours left until our end-of-month fundraising deadline.

Will you rush a donation to help us close the gap? We're running out of time, so we're counting on grassroots supporters like you to step up right now.

I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. Thanks ahead of time,

Campaign Manager
Chris Coons for Delaware

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Team Coons
Date: Sat, May 30, 2020
Subject: We need a new majority leader, and with your help we can make it happen

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear friend,

If we truly want to move our country forward, then we have to do more than just defeat Trump. In order for us to enact real progress, Democrats need to take back control of the Senate.

Right now, Mitch McConnell gets to set the agenda, and it's clear that the interests of everyday Americans play no role in his decision making. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, McConnell is playing politics, and too many Senate Republicans are standing in line behind him.

As millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus, McConnell has said he hasn't "felt the urgency" to pass another relief bill, suggesting states should go bankrupt. Instead, he has the Senate voting on unqualified, partisan judicial nominees.

It's long past time for us to replace McConnell with a majority leader who will fight for all Americans. But we can only do that if we take back the Senate. Chip in now to help us do it.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


McConnell's control of the Senate is anything but locked up. Democrats only need to win four seats to regain the majority, and a recent Politico article says we can do it.

But McConnell's allies are willing to spend big to protect their power. And they have more money -- from dark money super PACs -- than we do.

That's why we need a groundswell of grassroots contributions before our end-of-month fundraising deadline this weekend. Will you chip in now to help us hold Chris' seat and take back the Senate majority?

Thanks for being with us,

Team Coons

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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware