From VoteVets <[email protected]>
Subject 🪖 To all VoteVets Supporters: Please, don’t click away 🇺🇸
Date March 9, 2025 4:29 PM
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When we think about the people who have done the most to support VoteVets over the years, it’s not the people who write the biggest checks who come to mind.

It’s the people who were there when everything was on the line

Like you.

Your support, voice, and participation have helped us run some of the most powerful and impactful ads out there. Your support helps us win races and pass legislation that improves lives.

Thanks to you we’ve won races that wouldn’t even be competitive.

It’s helped us fight for things that matter most to Veterans. We’ve killed repeated efforts to privatize the VA, to cut or shortchange care. It passed the PACT Act and expanded care to millions. It got hundreds of Veterans and National Security professionals elected last year, and they are the ones holding the line against Trump now.

But here’s an interesting fact: out of almost 2 million people who have taken action with VoteVets, only 1% have made a donation online to support our work.

Today, we’re asking you to join that select group.

Our average donation is $25. Some give more, many give less. But with the VA under attack like never before in its history, with Veterans being fired across the government, and with our commitment to our allies in question, all that matters is that you are chipping in to an organization that is leading the fight against Donald Trump every single day.

We’ll put it right to work fighting and defeating these liars and hypocrites in the most important moment in modern American political history — the one we’re in right now.

If helping VoteVets run some of the most effective ads in politics, or taking the fight to Trump in Washington, or supporting our lawsuits against Elon Musk’s overreach seems worth $5 to you, we’re humbly asking you to make a donation. We really need you. Thank you.

We’re asking, humbly: please make your donation today.

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Thank you,

The team at VoteVets

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