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Weekend Edition, March 8-9, 2025


Books LRC Readers Bought This Week

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Our Job Is to Build Fires in the Darkness

Ryan McMaken

Paralyzed by Acute Dementia, Europe Declares War on Russia All Over Again

Pepe Escobar

Eurotard Hysteria Achieves New Heights


Europe Wants War So It Can Sell Bonds

John Leake

Astroturf Activism: How the US Government and NGOs Created ‘Gay Pride’ From Thin Air

Brandon Smith

Every Vote for a Democrat Is an Attack on America

Paul Craig Roberts

De-Dollarization Was Always More of a Political Slogan Than a Pecuniary Fact

Andrew Korybko

There Are no Free Marketers in a Recession

Peter Schiff

Dems and Blob Together

James Howard Kunstler

The Stoicism of the Caregiver

Charles Hugh Smith

Saying Goodbye to Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue

Philip Giraldi

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