From Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <[email protected]>
Subject DAY 4: Dogs, Not Babies
Date March 8, 2025 11:00 AM
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Email from 40 Days for Life Elevating animals over people John, Pets are a tremendous blessing to so many families. With spring just around the corner, everybody's eager to enjoy some nice weather. Take a leisurely Saturday morning walk to the park, and you'll probably meet couples out pushing strollers. There's a good chance those strollers will be occupied by dogs rather than babies. A culture that is increasingly rejecting children is trying to fill the gap with animals. Recently, on The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we examined the odd phenomenon of Western civilization rejecting humanity in favor of...pets: To watch or listen, click the image or visit: We discuss: Why excessively elevating the status of animals undermines the dignity of human life; The bizarre push to grant legal rights to rivers; People refusing to have children to save the environment; What is "dog hand"? Tune in and then sign up to pray at the 40 Days for Life vigil where you live: 40 Days for Life kickoff events are continuing through the weekend! Richmond, Virginia Two priests, two pastors, and representatives from three maternity homes as well as numerous churches were on hand to kick off the Richmond, Virginia, 40 Days for Life campaign. That unity will be critical, as Virginia is an abortion destination for East Coast states. "We see license plates from all over," said David, who is leading his first 40 Days for Life vigil. "We hear stories of women from as far away as Florida. ... We have to be here to show them that help exists and that every life is precious." David's volunteers will be prepared to do just that. Rally attendees received "blessing bags" filled with a variety of life- and woman-affirming materials to offer women coming to the abortion facility during the campaign. Atlanta, Georgia Cathy is leading her second 40 Days for Life campaign in Atlanta. Her kickoff rally showcased TWO moms who chose life--and came back to the campaign kickoff event to share their heartfelt testimonies and to talk about the help they received from vigil participants. One of those moms even brought her baby, while the other gave birth to twins, who were born early and are still recuperating in the NICU. The rally also featured two testimonies from women who suffered the trauma of abortion. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. --Luke 1:43-44 Lord, help us renew our gratitude for the joy that each child brings into our lives. We ask you to bless, keep, and cause your face to shine upon all unborn children--especially those with disabilities. Give parents supernatural strength and overwhelming support from their community to care for their child with special needs. Amen. For life, Shawn Carney President & CEO, 40 Days for Life View this email as a webpage. 40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
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