We never thought we’d be here, but we’re back in court after filing a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
On his first day in office, Trump issued an order to revoke federal protection of millions of acres of public waters from future oil and gas development. We know offshore drilling threatens our environment, public health, coastal economies, fisheries, vital marine ecosystems, and even national security.
Trump’s order also attempts to undo protections of the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic as well as the deepwater canyon areas in the north and mid-Atlantic.
Are you feeling déjà vu? It’s because this has happened before.
In 2017, LCV — as part of a coalition of conservation organizations — filed our first-ever lawsuit to take Trump to court over the exact same executive order to expand offshore drilling in key areas within the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans that President Obama protected, known as LCV v. Trump. A federal judge BLOCKED the Trump administration from moving forward with their reckless plan.
We shouldn’t need to file this suit again — Trump already lost the last time he tried this. But we are standing firm in our commitment to defending coastal communities and waters from risky and dirty offshore drilling, and we’re signaling to the Trump administration, Congress, and the people of this country that we won’t back down.
Thanks for being with us, and let’s go win together.
Gene Karpinski President League of Conservation Voters