Tell Congress to protect programs that support people with CF
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Today, volunteers from across the country are participating in the 18th annual March on the Hill to deliver a timely message: we need Congress to protect the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Medicaid for people with cystic fibrosis.
But we need your voice, too.
Send a message now to urge your members of Congress to prioritize the needs of the CF community ([link removed]).
TAKE ACTION NOW ([link removed])
The CF story of transformation and progress does not exist as it does today without the NIH or FDA, from discovery of the CF gene to bringing new CF therapies into the hands of patients safely and effectively. The NIH and FDA will remain essential as we work to ensure all people with CF have a treatment that addresses their underlying mutation - and someday, a cure. Congress must protect and ensure these agencies have the support and resources needed to continue this vital progress.
While advances in CF care are helping people live longer, healthier lives, cost and access are barriers to care for many people with the disease. Half of children and one-third of adults living with cystic fibrosis rely on Medicaid to help afford their treatments, medications, inpatient and outpatient care. That's why we're urging Congress to protect Medicaid in its current form and to oppose any proposals that may limit access for people with cystic fibrosis.
Constituent voices matter. Use yours to urge Congress to protect patients and progress.
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ([link removed])
Mary Dwight
Senior Vice President and Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
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4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 1100N | Bethesda, MD 20814 US
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