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Dear John,
This week, I outlined the direction for our health system and introduced key initiatives as part of a package of reforms to strengthen primary care so that all New Zealanders have access to the timely, quality healthcare they need.
This Government has delivered record investment in our health system, with a $16.68 billion increase in funding over three years, and our focus is firmly on putting patients first.
First, we will support 100 internationally trained doctors to become registered to work in New Zealand’s primary care system. Right now, we have overseas-trained doctors already living here who want to work but face barriers to registration. We’re funding a new two-year training programme to fast-track them into our primary care workforce. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Second, we will fund and incentivise general practices to hire up to 400 graduate nurses. To encourage recruitment, we will offer payments of up to $15,000 for urban practices and $20,000 for rural practices. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Third, we will launch a new 24/7 digital healthcare service, giving all New Zealanders access to video consultations with registered GPs and nurse practitioners. This will provide flexibility for patients, ensuring they can receive medical advice, prescriptions, and test orders from anywhere at any time. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Fourth, we are committing $285 million over three years in performance-based funding for general practice, starting in July 2025. This funding will reward practices that open their books to new patients, achieve key health targets like immunisation rates, and deliver timely care. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Fifth, we are reducing the bowel cancer screening age to align with Australia and have announced the first step in doing so by dropping the screening age from 60 to 58, giving 122,000 Kiwis access to life-saving early detection. This aims to prevent a projected 771 additional bowel cancers and 566 bowel cancer deaths over the next 25 years. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Finally, we have announced a plan to partner with the private sector to clear the elective surgery backlog. Wait times have blown out, and the current approach of outsourcing means we’re paying a premium. By partnering with the private sector, we can ensure we get better value for money through long-term contracts while delivering the care that Kiwis deserve. Health New Zealand will invest $50 million between now and the end of June to deliver an extra 10,579 procedures to help clear our backlog. [Read more here.]([link removed])
Unlike past governments that relied on reports and restructures, we are focused on tangible results – ensuring that when you or your child gets sick, you can access the care you need.
We are spending more on healthcare than ever before – almost $30 billion every year. No government has ever spent more.
We’re committed to ensuring that all New Zealanders can access the care they need when they need it. These changes are just the beginning.
Thank you,
Simeon Brown
Minister of Health
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