Dear Chapter,
Though we’ve had a slight summer lull in chapter activity, the stakes of our political work have never been higher. Two weeks ago, DSA held its 2019 convention to better organize for the challenges of our time: we formally committed to the Green New Deal, and visionary, open immigration reform; abortion access, building our international solidarity, and decriminalizing sex work; labor resolutions to build the rank and file, plus stronger national resources to support chapters of various scales; sweeping resolutions to support housing organizing were also passed, including substantial resources to aid in tenant organizing. Check out the link for more, including the amazing speech by the labor hero who helped break Trump's government shutdown, Sara Nelson, International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO.

Our Chapter Needs YOU to Continue: Run for Chapter Office!
Chapter elections are being scheduled in late September and all 9 seats on the steering committee are open. Only a handful of last year's officer's are planning to run for re-election, so this year is a huge opportunity to step up and help lead the chapter. If you believe in DSA's vision for international, radical democracy, help build the community and the organization we want in Santa Barbara to help us do it.
Convention round-up, DSA big picture, and chapter elections are all on the agenda for this Tuesday’s chapter meeting (8/20 @ 6:30pm). Join us with your questions. It’s also a great opportunity to announce you’re running before we convene again in September to vote! Contact us anytime with questions.
These are our 9 official chapter positions: 2x Co-chairs; Vice Chair; Secretary; Treasurer; Outreach Coordinator; Communications Secretary; 2x At Large Representatives. More details in our chapter bylaws.
Today (Sunday): Chapter Social
4-7pm, Sunday August 18 // Rose Garden at the Mission
420 Plaza Rubio, Santa Barbara
Join us for a potluck at the Rose Garden! Bring yourself, bring something to share, and bring a socialism curious friend! We'll have members from our working groups around to let you know how you can get more involved, but we're also getting together to hang out and chat about socialism and life in general.
RSVP on Facebook

August General Meeting
6:30pm, Tuesday August 20 // Quaker Meeting House
2012 Chapala St, Santa Barbara
Join us at our August chapter meeting where we will be hearing updates from our working groups and the National Convention. Most importantly, we'll be discussing our upcoming chapter elections and letting folks know how they can get more involved and run for positions on our steering committee! We will also be having our optional new member orientation from 6-6:30 PM. *CHILD WATCH ON REQUEST* Please let us know if you'd like for us to arrange child watch.
RSVP on Facebook
Don't forget to check our calendar regularly at DSASB.ORG for opportunities to connect, grow, organize and show solidarity in your community.