Hi, Sister District DC-VA Volunteers! We've got some great opportunities to help out our candidates, Hala Ayala and Josh Cole. 


Voter Engagement Events!

Canvassing for Hala Ayala on August 24th! RSVP Here

Phonebanking on August 26th, September 7th, and September 11th! Our September 7th Phonebank will be co-hosted with Emily's List, but we hope you'll join us for any of these three dates! 

Voter Engagement 101 on September 4th! You can RSVP here, and learn all about what voter engagement will be up to this fall as we get close to the elections. Find out about canvassing, phonebanking, and other ways you can help our candidates to victory! 


Ways To Donate!

We're also encouraging people to  consider purchasing an item off Josh's Amazon Wish List and help stock his HQ to make sure they have all the supplies they need to get out the vote!! 

Buying from the Wish List is easy:

1) Go to Josh's Amazon Wish List and pick an item
2) Go to your cart and purchase the item
3) Choose "Josh Cole Campaign HQ" for the shipping address
4) Purchase the items and fill out the in-kind donation form on the right-hand navigation of Josh's Sister District landing page

You can also donate to either of our candidates here

There are so many ways you can help our candidates, and every little bit counts! We hope to see you at one of our events soon.


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