Since Trump’s inauguration, his Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency -- or ICE -- has wasted no time, arresting some 8,200 people across the country.(1)
In California, as across the country, Trump’s border goons have detained mostly law-abiding residents, like Giovanni Duran, who came to the United States at age two. Now 42, he was snatched away front of his 7-year-old son, set to be deported to a country he has never known.(2)
Multiple Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers have even been granted access to information in a database on unaccompanied children who crossed the border into the United States.(3)
Let’s be clear: what Trump’s ICE agents are doing is, in many cases, illegal. And though Trump wishes it weren’t so, all U.S. residents have constitutional rights.
That’s why we’ve partnered with ACLU and others to create these guides to help people exercise their rights when ICE comes to their doorstep. Will you share far and wide?

Border Patrol can’t enter private homes without warrants signed by judges. Full Stop. In California, they can’t stop someone in their car just because of their perceived ethnicity. And, regardless of your status, if you are detained, you have the right to remain silent.
These are the messages we desperately need to distribute far and wide as cruel and unconstitutional ICE searches continue, and as the agency reportedly plans a “large-scale” raid in Los Angeles by the end of the month.(4)
Communities across California are bravely standing up against Trump’s mass deportation plans and ICE raids, including educators.(4)
Now, we need to make sure individual families everywhere know their rights when ICE breaches community protections.
We have made it very simple to share this critical information -- just click the image or the link and you can share the text and image to any social media platform you post on. Or just forward this email!
As ICE raids persist across California, will you share these guides far and wide to make sure people know their rights?
Thank you for being with us.
–Irene, along with Annie, Angela, Isidra, Cecilia, Jen, and Lindsay (the Courage team)
Footnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4.  |