From VoteVets HQ <[email protected]>
Subject What would a person who hates Veterans do?
Date March 7, 2025 7:38 PM
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What would a person who hated the Military and Veterans do if they had all the power and money in the world?

Would they dodge the draft five times?

Would they call avoiding sexually transmitted diseases in New York City clubs “my personal Vietnam”?

Would they publicly and viciously insult Veterans who actually did answer the call and serve — like, John McCain, for instance?

Would they attack the parents and spouses of fallen American Troops?

Would they call Americans killed overseas “suckers” and “losers”?

Would they trample the graves of the fallen for a photo op?

Would they cruelly fire thousands of Veterans from their jobs, take food from their children, and push them into economic hardship?

Would they fire qualified and decorated officers for no other reason than because they are black, or a woman?

Would they put a Fox News host with no qualifications in charge of the Department of Defense?

Would they set plans to fire 83,000 of the people who administer health care and support for Veterans?

Donald Trump hates the Military. Donald Trump hates Veterans.

For the next four years, VoteVets is going to do everything we can to defend those people from the worst of Donald Trump and his administration. We could use your help.

Make a donation to VoteVets. We’ll put it straight to work.

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Thank you,

The team at VoteVets

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