From Dick Durbin <[email protected]>
Subject Voting rights are a pillar of our democracy
Date March 7, 2025 4:45 PM
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Sixty years ago today, hundreds of protestors gathered in Selma, Alabama, to march to the state capital in Montgomery to advocate for the voting rights being denied to African Americans. Led by my friend and colleague, the late Congressman John Lewis, the protestors were stopped and attacked by police while trying to leave the city. These brave individuals risked their safety and their lives to do what was right.

Unfortunately, all these years later, voting rights remain under threat.

Large-scale misinformation campaigns from our current President and his allies about the validity of our elections have led to increasingly drastic efforts to restrict voter eligibility.

Right now, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act is moving through Congress. This dangerous bill would require people to provide in-person proof of citizenship when registering to vote or updating their voter information.

This could disenfranchise millions of American citizens from voting.

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John, voting rights are a fundamental pillar of our democracy. Our leaders should be invested in expanding and improving the voter registration process, not implementing barriers that make it harder for Americans to access the ballot.

My Democratic colleagues and I will be fighting against any legislation that places voting rights at risk – but it won’t be easy to take on the GOP-led Congress, so we’ll need your support. Will you chip in $5 to help defend voting rights today? [[link removed]]

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Thank you,

Sen. Durbin

Paid for by Friends of Dick Durbin

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