Brothers and Sisters,
This Cesar Chavez Day, the California Federation of Labor Unions, along with the United Farm Workers and SEIU, are calling on all of our union brothers and sisters and allies to march together in Delano, CA in a strong show of solidarity with our immigrant workers.
Con estas manos. Immigrant workers build our roads and houses, clean our buildings, deliver our packages, pick our food, care for our sick and elderly. In the labor movement, we know our solidarity is our strength and an attack on one worker is an attack on all workers. That’s why we will show our support for ALL workers this Cesar Chavez Day.
The March For Immigrant Workers begins at Memorial Park on S. Lexington Street in Delano at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 31, followed by a rally at 1 p.m., where we will uplift the voices of all the workers who keep California going.