From Hamish Campbell <[email protected]>
Subject March Update
Date March 7, 2025 1:03 AM
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Dear John,
Welcome to my March newsletter 
Last week was a recess week from Parliament and I was able to spend every day out in the Ilam electorate. 

One afternoon I visited a range of fantastic ethnic businesses at Upper Riccarton, listening to the owners’ concerns and thoughts, as they celebrated Chinese New Year. Another afternoon was spent meeting the Aorangi Rd businesses as they cope with road works there. 

I also hosted a Young Professionals evening function listening to the opportunities and challenges of young hardworking kiwis, after spending the morning door knocking in the Burnside area, meeting residents and their dogs! 
Some of you also will have met me at my ‘Café Connect’ at Bakermans – a relaxed way to catch up with residents over great coffee. 

I was fortunate to attend the fantastic Christchurch Symphony Orchestra’s Lamb & Hayward Masterworks: ‘The Curtain Raiser’; and also, Electric Avenue. What a huge achievement and success that event was for Christchurch!

Through my active involvement with the National Bluegreens groups, I organized and presented at the Bluegreen’s forum in Methven, outlining specific ways technology can be applied to improve environmental outcomes.

I was delighted to be invited to speak to the South Island Property Council about what the government is doing in the building, infrastructure and transport area and then listen to their views. 

These opportunities to meet with groups help me better represent Canterbury in Parliament. If your organisation or business has a meeting or event coming up and would like your local MP as a speaker, please contact [[email protected]]([link removed])

Business in the House
This week the Gene Technology Bill has been introduced to the House. To find out more about it click [here]([link removed]). 

Another topical debate before the House is the length of the Parliamentary term click [here]([link removed]). I’m interested to hear your views on both these topics. 

What’s coming up 
This Saturday is International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate!  We’re working hard to improve the gender pay gap. I ask you to promote awareness across your channels and encourage uptake of our gender pay gap toolkit []([link removed])

Applications closed for Ilam’s Youth member of Parliament, and we have shortlisted four students. We have an esteemed panel of experts to interview the students and select who will represent Ilam in this year’s Youth Parliament.
Back at Uni meeting with students during Orientation week 

Electric Avenue – early afternoon before it all took off. What a weekend for Christchurch!

Celebrating Chinese New Year. 2025 is the Year of the Snake 

Speaking at the BlueGreens Conference in Methven. 

Back in a lab coat to visit Hill Laboratory. A testing service – food, soil, asbestos etc

Join me on line to discuss the issues that currently concern you on the first Tuesday of the month. My next live chat will be Tuesday 1 April 8pm - 8.30pm Facebook @hamishcampbellforIlam

I hold weekly clinics in the office. If you wish to make a time, please call Leanne 03 3593665. The Ilam office is open, and you are welcome to pop in, Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm or phone 033593665 or email [[email protected]]([link removed])
JP Clinic
On Thursdays between 12-1pm we hold a JP Clinic in the Ilam office. Call first if you wish 03 3593665, or just pop in.

Please Share the News!
Feel free to share this email with friends and family who might like to stay in touch and connected with the community Click here and fill out the ‘Get updates’ form at the bottom of my website.

Kind regards,

Hamish Campbell

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